Monday, September 20, 2010

It does matter

The urge to blog has returned. I still hope people are still reading my blog cause it died for a month. Anyway, I've been getting a lot of spam. In my comments and my chatbox. I don't get it, I didn't use to have this problem a year or two years ago, so why now? They kind of piss me off actually. Another thing that pisses me off is also how obnoxious people can be.

Putting that aside, I'm thinking of changing my blog skin, but I'll only do that when I'm done with my marketing essay which I am currently, at this moment, working on.  Of course I lost my concentration and decided to just blabber out a few things on my blog so I have at least something to write about.  You guys will hear me talking about this assignment for at least a few days, but I promise you the whining will stop on Thursday because that's the due date. I'm thinking of bright colours for the new skin and I've been going through a lot of colour schemes and combinations based on my preference so hopefully I find a really pretty one so I can modify the skin. Be prepared for bright colours. =)

Also, I was thinking of going into video blogging. I'm not sure how it will work out though. I actually tried to talk to my camera, just rambling about things and it is much more difficult than I expected it to be. Wow, it takes editing and to write a script, I'm not joking. I wanted to talk about make up and I found myself jumbling my words up. It takes quite a lot of work so I'm not sure if I'm ready to go into it yet. =S I might give it a shot. One day.

Toodles with love, as always,
Alanna the Banana

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