Monday, January 25, 2010


Ah, it was just the last post when I talked about how frustrating can shopping be. It certainly does give mixed feelings. Nevertheless, bought my wonderful Gap long sleeved top. Army green, plain and low cut. Awesome. I will be going back there to get my real skinny jeans. Lave lave lave. All for university next year! Oh, did I mention that I've registered for Monash, Sunway campus. I'm not leaving this country so soon. When I finish a year of my degree, then I'll head over to Melbourne Uni. That's if they'll accept me. *prays*

Strayed away from topic again. Oops. Bought myself a pair of pearl earrings for my helix piercing. It matches my bracelet. I is happy. <3

No, I have nothing much to talk about. I am currently STILL bumming around at home. Basically just hanging out with my cousin who is back from Aussie land, watching tons of movies and series I stole from Julius, playing my piano exam pieces as I plan to finish off my grade 8 this year, and reading books which I had them purchased... about 2 years ago. Hmm... which reminds me, I have yet to finish of my Pokemon Crystal map.

Toodles with nothing much to do (really),
Alanna the Banana

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