There are so many movies I wanna catch!! So many I think I need to start saving money to watch them at the cinema. I have spent so much money this year itself on movies. Sometimes I watch the same show twice, sometimes three times. Please don't ask why. Watching in the cinema is totally different if you buy the dvd and watch it at home.
1. The Private Life of Pippa Lee
Winona Ryder, Blake Lively, Keanu Reeves, just to name a few. Ok, I'm not lying, I watching it because of Blake Lively and Keanu Reeves. I doubt they're lovers cause it just doesn't seem like it.
2. The Time Traveler's Wife
Ah, another love story adapted from a book. Rachel McAdam's famous for he role in the Notebook and Mean Girls is back with another romantic, emotional movie. Eric Bana is kind of old for her though. Nevertheless, it is one movie, I must watch! Preferably with girls. Cause I know I'm bound to shed a tear or two and I don't want guys to make fun of me.
3. New York, I Love You
So the new trend in Hollywood is having a big cast, names you know of from other movies. I guess He's Just Not That Into You kind of set the big-cast-romantic-comedy trend. Shia LaBeouf, Bradley Cooper, Blake Lively, Maggie Q, Natalie Portman, Orlando Bloom, Hayden Christensen, Rachel Bilson and many many more! This is a bigger cast than He's Just Not That Into You. I hope it's a good movie. It looks cool.
4. Dear John
Channing Tatum (G.I Joe, Step Up) and Amanda Seyfried (Mamma Mia). Another one of Nicholas Sparks novel. He wrote the Notebook. He makes us all cry. Star-crossed lovers, falling for each other in 2 weeks, he returns to the army, they both write letters, happy then sad then you cry. Typical story you know. And yet, I love it! And also Channing Tatum is in it! MUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!!
5. Inglourious Basterds
Did I mention I won two premiere passes to watch this movie from Fly Fm? Hur. I called in on Friday morning and I won them! Oh I didn't do anything but just say "Thank you soooo much!!!". How awesome is that? Brad Pitt is inside! Oh yeah~
6. Jeniffer's Body
Megan Fox. Need I say more?
7. Love Happens
8. Pandorum

So many romantic movies and no thriller? I'm looking forward to this one. The trailer looked pretty cool. It's out and I'm expecting to catch it quite soon. =D
9. Law Abiding Citizen
Say hello to Gerard Butler once again! Busy year for him don't you think? Gamer and the Ugly Truth and now this? He may be a little too old for me, but oh my gawd, you know he just oozes sexiness. And that truth ain't ugly. =D
10. 2012
Doomsday everyone!
Those are the movies I cannot wait to catch. Though, exams are nearing. And yet I'm talking about the shows I want to watch. I'm heading for trouble. Oh well. =D
Toodles with luuuurve for vinegar,
Alanna the Banana
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