Saturday, October 3, 2009

You will always

Got back from Breakers an hour ago. We had fun playing pool. I never knew he was that good. =.= But my dear Kat beat him in the last game! That would keep his head growing bigger. Overall, I had a pretty good day with my girls. Trying on a dress which they made me reserve. =.=

I'm back into the cutting paper phase once again! No, I haven't been feeling upset or anything. Just that a few people's birthdays are coming up so I decided to pick up that blade again and start cutting. So besides cutting out cards, I'm working on a fantasy theme. unicorns and that kind of thing. Pretty things. =D

So I'm going to show you guys one piece that I've finished.

Garden-ish. Mushrooms and vines.

Wings. It ain't a butterfly. =D

Try guessing.

Well, here's the finished piece. I'm so proud of my work.

It's a fairy! A rather emo one though.

I decided to put a background for it. I chose Green.

Pretty ain't it? It was more of a garden kind of fairy so I chose a Green base. Her face is uncut cause I didn't want to risk destroying the whole picture with an ugly face. This piece took me 3 hours including of tracing on the paper and cutting out. The picture below is the original picture. Mine is just symmetrical.

I was so inspired and still am, to cut a whole collection of fairies. I've got really pretty pictures in my comp ready to be printed out and traced onto paper. I'll be posting up my work on the blog soon. =D

Toodles with inspiration and love,
Alanna the Banana

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