To my Kaki-s.

Thank you so much for the lovely present. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!
Anyway, I'm not here to thank you for the present. To all three of you, I want to say I'm sorry and thank you. Sorry for being such a brat at times, I know I haven't been spending much time with you guys. I really do wanna make it up to you. I know that I haven't been going out clubbing or joining you guys for little little gatherings. I'm sorry about all that. I will absolutely do my best to go out with all four of you to spend quality time, outside of college. We could always do the girl crying session thing again. I wanna say sorry for troubling you guys beginning of the year. Listening to my problems, rantings and et cetera, et cetara.
I do want to thank you all for being there for me. Having my back at all times. Helping me out in little things even though it troubles you. Thank you for all the wonderful times we had together. I know it's only been a year since we all got so close, but I can say the three of you have made me college life more enjoyable than what I expected it to be. Thank you for everything. I love you guys so much.
To Ton Pi and Jus,

YOU!!!!! Betch-es!!!! Have made my high school life the most interesting period EVER!! Funny shits we've been through. Man, we went through alot together didn't we. We went through puberty together, driving testSSSSSS, boys, make up experiments, and everything until up to today. Though we may be in different colleges now - well, just you Pikky, you're in a different college - we still hang out with each other and we still tell each other stuff, we worry about each other and we are still the same person as we were in high school.
Yes, we've fought but hey, I can say it has definitely made us stronger. The three of us, we're going to go through life together. I love you guys. Sorry, I hate you Ton Pi. =D
To a special someone,
I know we don't have a proper picture together yet, but SOON!! A best friend and a boyfriend in one. I am lucky betch to get someone like you. I know we only got to know each other properly, wait, know isn't the word, TALK is the one, only last year. I remember that night well. So what I'm saying is, even though we got to know each other not too long ago, we've come this far and I want to thank you for taking a chance on me. You have no idea how lucky I feel everyday.
4 months have passed and we're still practically tight. I've mentioned so many things you have done for me the previous posts so I'm not going to say it again. I just really want to thank you. For being there for me when I need you, for taking me out, paying for me meals and every single little gesture like opening the car door for me is appreciated.
Thanks for the lovely present. I will definitely use it. You know I will. I don't know what to fill it in with, probably go to Coffee Bean and fill it up with Hot choc or vanilla. And do know if you need help in anything, I'll do my best to help you out. Just not in your academic area cause we study different stuff. The shirt? I'm more than happy to pay for half of it.
I love you.
To my parents,
You've raised me into a bright, young woman. I know I may be a pain in the ass sometimes, throwing fits for no reason, making you worried ALL THE TIME even though I say I'm fine, making you angry at times and the list goes on. I would never know if I have disappointed you but I ever did make you feel that way, I'm sorry. I might not say this in front of you that I am, but do know that deep down in my heart, I'll always feel bad at the end of the day and I hope you will forgive me for everything I've said or done that might have hurt you. I do want to thank you but everything. From my education, to the little little things in life. Letting me make my own decisions, backing me up when I have a problem, coming to the rescue when I'm in trouble, everything. I might not say I love you to you, but you know I do. Very very much.
I do want to thank you for making this year's wish come true. My friends would know that I've always wanted to invest in something the day I turn 18. And now that I have had my birthday, and turned legal, I have got my wish to invest. You made it happen for me. Thank you. For that and the brand new phone and the dinner you threw for me and the love you have shown me. I love the both of you very very much.
To the rest whom I did not mention in this post, it doesn't mean you are not important. I do want to thank all of you who wished me. You do play a significant role in my life even though you just might be my classmate whom I rarely talk to, but yes, you are an important element in my life. Cause without you guys, life would be different and I wouldn't be the person who I am today. Thank you so much.
So, I guess this is my birthday post.
Toodles with lots of love from the birthday girl,
Alanna the Banana
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