The only reason why I'm actually blogging now is because.. well.. for no reason at all I guess. I just felt like it.
Exams are coming up. Accounts is the first paper on Tuesday followed by ESL. Studying late at night, getting distracted by MSN and facebook, now with my new obsession, online shopping. This really reminds me of the days back when I was studying for SPM. I was constantly on facebook chatting with other SPM people. That time I must say I was kind of prepared but this time around, I AM SO NOT!!! D=
Before signing in to Blogger, I was doing my accounts, dammit I couldn't even balance my figures. I even got a net loss instead of a net profit. I don't even know if my answer is right until tomorrow. I am actually lost in the subject. I can pass my tests but the upcoming paper aint some silly test, its the freaking MID-YEARS! And to get into Uni, they take a look at your mid-years results. 10% internal, 50% for your report card. Great.... My head may as well be on the guillotine at this moment. I'm panicking and yet I'm still typing over here.
I keep telling myself it's just 3 days of torture and then we're FREE!!! If I can go through 2 weeks of SPM, i can defintely go through 5 two-hour papers with less topics. Sleeping at 3 or 4am is an option actually but I would propably just go and sleep at 1. I need my BRANDS Chicken Essence. Seriously, it does wonders. It keeps you alert during the exam and it actually helps you absorb facts. (I'm doing free promotion, I demand 2 boxes of Chicken Essence!!!)
I don't believe I'm a drama queen anymore. I think I am less crazy than I was in high school. Now with college, the blogshop and everything else, I've actually made myself a more aggressive person in terms of fighting for what I want like well, good results? I dunno!!!! So tell me people, what should I put for my header?
Besides online shopping, I have joined the L4D clan. Yes, Pikky and Justina got me hooked to it. I find myself wanting to play the game everytime someone mentions L4D. Who knew shooting zombies could be such a stress reliever? =D But at the same time, I'm getting bored of the game. I mean, all your doing is shooting zombies. And running away from them. But, I need some shooting now. I feel very stressed. Who knows, after L4D, i might start playing DOTA. That would be the day when my dad tells me I'm allowed to date. =S
Anyways, off to do a little bit of Econs. Paper is on Wed with MATHS. LIKE OMG la.

Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana
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