You could hear sighs of relief and smiles are all plastered on everyone's faces. It is the LAST paper after all. What's not to smile and sigh about? =D The moment we were dismissed, you could see Mel standing in front of the hall opening her arms welcoming hugs from people. I went to grab my stuff. We all went to One U. Mel, Charlene, Arisha, Julia, Me, Fiona, Kat, Kavi, Mok, Jarren, Yeeh Wey and Ian. We watched Night At The Museum 2. It was abit disappointing because it wasn't that funny.
The little Einsteins were cute though. Bobbing heads. Cute. =D But still, I preferred the first movie, more original.
After watching the movie, the girls went to do their usual routine when they are in a mall. SHOPPING. Yes, Mel and Charlene, I must say, are bad friends. They encourage you to buy lustful things. Like SHOES. I love the both of you, yes I do because I adore these sexy babies. I love you. I meant the shoes. tee hee. Pretty non? I love you babes for making my life more fabulous and fashionable.
Rm37.50 later, Mel, Charlene, Julia and Fiona parted ways with us. The rest of us went to catch up with the boys who were spending their time in the archade while we girls went window shopping, except me to watch THIS!!
Must say, it's a pretty good movie. Better than the Da Vinci Code. This is much more simplier to understand and it makes you wanna know more about Physics. Much as I DESPISE physics, I actually want to know more about anti-matter. It does exist in real life mind you. i remember my tuition teacher telling me about this last year when we were just talking about random stuff like science. LOL.
So, this is the start of the holidays. For SAM students of Taylor's College that is. We get the whole mall to ourselves, the whole cinema to ourselves. Sneaking into other movies without paying an extra buck. Getting the arcade to ourselves, well, not really though, the lepak-ers would be ther daytona-ing or something. We can have the para para to ourselves then. =D
You think we're laughing at the A levels and all our other college friends, oh no we're not. Actually we kinda are right now..Only for this week though cause they have to share their holidays with school kids. Hehe. But when we SAM go back to college, then they'll laugh at us cause apparently MCKL has the whole June off. Yeah, that's not fair. Oh well. =D
Speaking of having everything to ourselves and not sharing the holidays with anyone else, me and couple of classmates are going on a trip! To Genting!! I know, its just not far away, but its GENTING with your FRIENDS ONLY! With our holidays starting before the school holidays, we get low rates. Hehehehehehe. Now we're laughing. =D Oh we're taking one room only, fitting 14 people in. You must be thinking, the toilet line is going to be damn long. We'll be fighting for the shower. Oh well. No point getting more than 1 room cause in the end everybody will be hanging out in one room only. The guys would be watch CL finals. Kat will be joining them of course. =) Me and fiona are planning to sleep. I must say, ever since I came to college, I've been loving my sleep more than ever. But I can't wait for this trip. Took over 2 hours discussing on MSN, with Mok spamming the conversation, to confirm all the details. No parents to say, "NO! We can't go there, got no time, your cousins want to go back home." Gosh, now we can hang out in the Outdoor theme park as long as we want and the Indoor as late as 12 midnight. Think of the bumper cars together with your friends. Most of the time, we go there with just a handful of family members and you play. This time, its just all friends! and maybe a few strangers
Oh yeah, I went to watch Star Trek. Julius and I couldn't get any other movies to watch cause the rest were all fully booked. grumbles It was a Saturday night. Oh well. They all told me it was awesome. Julius and I came out wondering why we even bothered to watch it. It was alright, but we just didn't really get the whole picture. =.=
NEVERTHELESS!!!! CHRIS PINE!!! He is hot. As Sue Vern says, Chris Pine makes Science Fiction HOT! haha. Oh well.
Going back to college now. For a meeting. Debate meeting. Yeah. Don't ask.
Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana
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