It's been so long since you opened that box up. It's been quite awhile since you put something in as well. You open up the box and you find all these folded pieces of paper.
Memories start flooding your mind. The times when you fell in love, when you made friends who became your closest friends today, when laughter always filled the room, the times we all cried together, the times we had fun playing games, everything. You open one piece of paper and you read what it said. It made you feel good. You decide to open another one. And another one.
You smile each time you finish reading a paper. Feeling better each time you open the next one. More and more papers you start taking out and reading them.
Soon, papers were stacking each other up. It covered a little patch on your floor. All those little notes made you feel so good about yourself. You start lightening up. You realise that each time you feel sad about something, these notes can make your day a wonderful one, knowing there were and are people who care for you. The best part of every note was it ended with
You fold those papers back and put it in back into the little container again. You smile at the fact that it actually fills up the whole box. You put the lid on and you put it back into the cupboard. You now feel appreciated and loved. Your day was never better.
One small note saying that you appreciate and love that person would make their day. Start taking out a pen and use a paper to write the little things you like about the person and how much you appreciate them. And always end it by saying, you love them. You never know you might always get a note back from them. Keep it in a box and read them when you're feeling down.
They made my day. Can you make theirs?
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