Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Stop That!

This scene should be VERY familiar to all of us, especially those of us who hang around in shopping malls QUITE often. :
You walk along the shops, looking at the clothes all nicely arranged in stacks and mannequins displaying the oh-so-prettyful outfits. You gaze into the shop and you say to yourself, "Gosh, if only i had the money to buy that." [Not the point] You sigh one more time and turn away and what do you see?! You see a couple, walking past you, hand in hand, talking to each other, but what's this?! Something is wrong with the picture. You see the boyfriend carrying the girlfriend's handbag? It is a beautiful handbag no doubt, but why is the boyfriend carrying the handbag you question yourself. WHY? You start looking at them, and you actually notice your muscle tense up, forming a frown. You continue observing them. The boyfriend doesn't seem to mind carrying the girl's handbag. The girl doesn't seem to bother about the guy carrying her handbag. You actually start to wonder and ponder about this.

Thats is one scene i hate. I don't know if it's just me, but I find it seriously irritating. The fact that guys are carrying their girlfriend's handbag. Without complaining. I just don't get it.

Girls, must you really ask your boyfriends to carry your bags for you? Now, if your going to deny that and say to me,"But he offered.", puh-lease. The only reason he's offering to carry your handbag for you is because 1. you've been probably complaining about how heavy your bag is, or 2. you've been acting like your bag is heavy. The fact that he's offering you shows he's a good boyfriend who is willing to degrade his machismo to please you. If your hangbag is heavy, your bag is probably one of those big bags. They are nice and gorgeous and practical you might say. I agree, it is. I love those kind of bags. But the bigger your bag is, the more stuff you'll put in. The more stuff you put in, the heavier your bag gets. Its just going to a mall. What do you need? Your wallet, your phone and what else? I don't know, cause those are the two things I carry to a mall. I don't even carry a wallet at times! I just stuff my money into my pocket. Going to a mall without a handbag, gives you freedom to open up your arms (not that you need to) without worrying that your handbag might slip off your shoulders. So carry a small bag, that should do it! Why go through the trouble of complaining to your boyfriend or acting in front of your guy that your bag is heavy? Think about his ego! Thank god his friends are not there with him. Isn't it weird to see your guy parading your Prada or Louis Vutton in the mall? If you say no, I can bet you alot of guys would say YES! Gals, honestly, I think guys would want to see their girlfriends being independent and who knows how to handle situations on their own. I think it makes us sexy being independent. Trust me, if you are, your boyfriends would wanna show you off to the world.

and GUYS! Seriously!! It IS sweet of you to offer your gals to carry their handbags, but to degrade yourself in a way like this, I don't really think its worth it. Don't you think your embarrassing yourself in front of everyone. Yeah yeah say that, "She's my girlfriend, I love her, I would do anything for her." AH!!! Yeah right. If your friends were there, i doubt you would even offer to carry her handbag. If you do, ah, you're probably going to get teased by your fellow mates. Not of the offering but of the carrying her handbag. Don't you guys want a girlfriend who can take care of herself and who's independent. You don't need to worry so much about her, you don't need to pamper her. I know you guys don't like pampering your girlfriends in those mushy mushy ways. Only girls would want that.

This post is actually mainly for the girls. Not so much to the guys but they still apart of this! Girls, bare in mind, your boyfriends are the ones who will be there to protect you from danger or harm, keep you company, comfort you when you feel down and be there with you at all times no matter what the situation is. NOT FOR CARRYING YOUR HANDBAG! He's not your slave! He's the one you love and the one you might actually spend your whole life with. So don't treat him like that. Don't take him for granted. Cause he might the one. Treat him like how you would like to be treated.

Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana

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