Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Who needs medication?

Here I am once again, the night before a test, completely unprepared, but nevertheless still have the time to blog. I went to catch the Best of Comedy Malaysia featuring Kuah Jen Han, Douglas Lim and Harith Iskandar. 

Started off on time, so unlike Malaysian. Which was a good thing cause I was there on time too and I hate waiting. ESPECIALLY when it comes to weddings back in KL. Wedding invitation states it starts 7.30pm SHARP. In the end, it'll start at 8.30pm. It is always like that, and it will never change. I don't care, next time I get married, I'll send out invitation cards stating the ceremony will start at 8.00pm. I'm going to start on time, if you missed my special entrance, then too bad. If you miss the first course of the meal, too bad for you. Who asked you to arrive late? 

Back to the topic. I had a lot of fun tonight. I haven't laughed this much for a really long time, and laughter is always the best medicine right? It was so good hearing the Malaysian slang and the jokes about ourselves and the Malaysian culture. It felt like I was back home. And honestly, I miss home very much. I've been kind of down lately because I've been homesick and I miss le boypren and the family and friends back home. Being here is great, but nothing beats home I guess. It was good to laugh so much tonight. 

Those of you in Melbourne, if you don't know, there will be more stand up comedy, but not the trio which I saw today because this is their only show in Melbourne, their last one in Australia in fact. Like I said, more stand up comedy because this entire month is Melbourne International Comedy Festival. By entire month I mean 28th March to 22nd April 2012. Check out some of the shows and you can get all the shows that will be showing on their website here. You will definitely have a good laugh after seeing one of those shows. It might lift up your spirits after that. Have fun! 

Toodles with work to do now, 
Alanna the Banana

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