Monday, February 8, 2010

Watch me spin

I've been immersing myself in art once more. And I'm loving every single minute of it. Am currently working on cutting out another artwork. AND JUSTINA IS BACK!! I LOVE YOU JUS!! =D

I drew the picture below. Yes, it is le very cartoonish, but I did it for my cousin who had an art assignment to hand up the next day. So I tried to make it not really nice. But still, I like the fact that I painted the background. =D

And this is what I am currently working on. Can you guess what the object is. A little hint - though it may not be really helpful - it is a genre I have never worked on before.

Nope, no prizes to be given out. But let's see if you guys can guess what it is. =D

Toodles with lots more cutting to do,
Alanna the Banana

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