Hols flew by. One week is not enough. Even the lecturers agree. =.= Oh well, we're back in college and we're starting on work as usual.
Last Friday, we had the twins' birthday party at Luna Bar, KL. Awesomeness I say! =D
I met up with a few friends, to have dinner and all. Sama la, Fiona, Kavi, Kat and Arthur and Julius decided to join in as well. =D

Someone looking hot there. *whistles*

My beautiful kakis. I love you guys.

And there is Arty!

And he's ber-pimping.
We got to the party pretty early even though we left at about 7.30pm. Didn't need to worry la, Fiona. Better be late than never. And it's unlike hot girls to walk into a party early. =D

No doubt, we started taking pictures like immediately, with Arthur's awesome DSLR and his picture taking skeeelz~

Tell me, it's awesome. IT IS!!

You can see the Twin Towers AND the KL Tower. Tell me, is that not awesome?

My kakis. <3>

Toilet pun nak pose. =D

Does this not scream Sex and the City?

Does it not?!!!?

Another babe of mine, Nicole. <3>

Alvin, Mabel (so cute la the both of them), Nic and moi!

This was a little different, instead of the traditional cake, they decided to have like tons of mini cupcakes!!! SHO CUTE I TELL YOU!!!

Yi-vonne and Yi-laine, the most interesting pair of twins i've seen so far. =D It's a good thing.

And maybe some are just in love with them.

The cupcakes, were just plain addictive. To me.


Arthur and Me!
and kat.
All you can say is, by the end of that night, I made new friends and I had a great time at the party. Who knew camwhoring could be so tiring and fun at the same time? =D
Went home at about 12am? Arthur and I blasted music in the car. Ok, we just blasted Poker Face. =D Arthur sent me to Hartamas so I could drive home. Dad was supposed to do that but nooooooo, he went drinking with mommy and his friends at Bamboo 9 in TTDI plaza. Best-nye parents ku. *nods head*
But at the end of the day, as I sit in Arthur's car looking through the pictures, one picture just made me smile.
Toodles with lots of love,
Alanna the Banana
All pictures credited to Arthur and Darren. =D
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