To one person, who I have known since we were 13. We met on the bus, non? Laughing at the most random things, shared gossips and enjoyed every single bus ride until we got home. Look at us now, from 13 year olds to 18, well, the 18 that's just you. =D From little innocent outtings, to clubbings, and other details. We have yet to fight or argue about something. =D
To one girl, who I have spilled my secrets to, with so much trust. You listen to me at all circumstances and I listen to you. When we're happy, when we're sad, when we're angry at someone, when we're in love, when we cry from our heartbreaks. We talk over the phone late at night, and we do things like skipping class to just go for morning hot chocolate and hot mud cake. We always have each other's backs. No matter what. =D
To one business partner, who is enjoyable to work with. To decide the prices together, and both of us thinking the same. We may have different taste in clothes, but we sure do know how to make the business work! Getting excited over our first order, and over the other subsequent orders. Frustrated over difficult customers. We share them. =D

To one special friend, who has always been there to help me out. Emotionally. Giving me advice. Giving me help with all sorts of problems. Who has been everything to me. Without you, I wouldn't know what to do.
To this girl, I'm wishing you Happy Birthday. I may have given you a simple message in the card, but here is a longer, more meaningful message. Enjoy your birthday because today is the day, you deserve to feel special and nothing other. I love you, babe, always.

Here is my personal gift to you. It may be just a post, but you know how much I love you and what you mean to me, babe.
Toodles wishing another birthday girl,
Alanna the Banana
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