Even though Accounts test was just plain torture for my brain, it has been a good day. Those shoes I wore to college today, is not made for walking, seriously. But I got a foot massage after all the walking I did. =P
Well, well, well. It's already the end of july and august is just less than 48 hours away. It really scares me how time really passes by, when you're just having a blast in college. This is the one time I never thought it would come back to me again in a short period. I always thought that those problems would end as soon as I pick a course when I registered for college. Without realising, the time has come again. To choose. Your future. Choosing a course and combination of subjects, was what I thought somehow difficult cause it is your foundation to your degreee. This time, I face something more challenging. My course, my major and minor, and my future university.
Somehow, I just don't know what I like to do. I'm taking Psychology, Accounts, Economics, Maths and English. What am I actually good at? Psych? I got an A for that. Accounts? I'm doing pretty well, surprisingly as I don't pay much attention in class. I'm doing my very best to keep my options open. Fashion marketing and management? Marketing alone? Psychology degree? Accounting? It's really going to take time and lots of research to find out what I'm interested in and what I plan to major in.
There is also another thing bothering me though. Overseas or staying here? For the first half of the year, my mind has always been, going to Australia, get a degree and travel. Now, I think everything in my head is messed up. My friends are planning to do twinning programmes here. The boyfriend is staying here. I've always stood alone when I made decisions. Not following others or succumbing into peer pressure. This time round, I'm torn in between decisions. Should I stay and do a twinning programme? My babes would be here to back me up when necessary. The boyfriend is going to be here and at this point, I can't see life without him by my side. Family is here. I am the only child, it's only normal for me to really miss them if I were to go. I'm used to the KL life. Then again, going overseas is a better opportunity as parents keep telling me. Parents WANT me to go and get a better education. I don't wanna let my parents down. And since my mother knows about my relationship, I don't want her to think I'm staying because of him.
So basically, I'm in a dilemma. It's been bothering me alot as trials are coming up and before I know it, its the finals. August is nearing and it's time for university placements coming up. Reality struck me when they passed out the fliers around in college. That's when I came down from cloud nine.
My friends, actually know what they want to do. Ok, some of them only anyway. But whoever out there who knows what they want to do as their career, and have their years ahead of them planned out, I envy you. I used to be that person. But now, I'm not. I think it's time I put friends, family and all others aside to think of what I really want to major in. I'll just talk to a counsellor. Talking to my parents is also another option but I know the subject of the boyfriend will come up. I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible.
On a similar note, I HATE, absolutely DESPISE relatives when they ask you about your future and they TELL you what to do. "Accounting. It's the best. You MUST do accounting. You will earn alot of money from that job." EXCUSE ME. Who the eff are you to tell me what I MUST or MUST NOT do. It's MY life and the only person who can decide is ME! No point asking me to study what I'm not interested in. And WHO BLUDY HELL said that Accounting is the ONLY thing that can generate TONS of cash into my bank account? My blogshop is doing very well and I'm earning money right now. And I'm being frank, it's ALOT.
If you wanna give your opinions, do it in a more subtle way and not by using domineering words like MUST and all. BACK OFF! Don't put in more stress into my life already.
Toodles with frustration and confusion.
Alanna the Banana
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Can you do it again?
It's been a pretty hectic week. Monday was Maths Common Test, Tuesday and Wednesday, we had Maths DI and from Wednesday to Friday, we had that english text production essay to do in class. I managed to write 809 words! Could have been more, but there's a word limit to it. Oh well. Thank god it's over. Well, not really, more to come next week. Accounts and Economics. BLAH!!
Took my daddy's DSLR to college today. Had to transfer some pictures over. After doing that, I started snapping pictures. Since class finished early, some of us decide to do a few things.

Arisha, poser betul la you. =P

Fiona, my babe, always clicking
Oh yeah, the four of us, Kavi, Fiona, Kat and I came up with a new term that will spread across the country! Clicking. Yes, clicking. Clicking simply means blogshopping. You go to the computer and you start clicking on the mouse, browsing from one blogshop to another. Clicking. It's pretty funny actually. The word is spreading around. Even some boys use it. =.=

Kavi, babe... ah, gone la this one. =P

Yi-laine, she brought her guitar, so she started playing it. You're really good, baberz..seriously, you're in the wrong course

Kat, another one clicking. Oh yeah, did I mention you look really pretty with your hair like that? =D
Hannah and I got bored during Econs class. We decided to take out our G1 pens and start drawing on our hands and legs. Ah, fake tattoos. Would be really cool to get one though. =D

Totally awesome. Hannah drew that. She had one on her hand, the word, "shit". Cool

This one's mine. The word, "dreamer". It'd be cool if i had that tattooed on my wrist.
Yeah, this is what we do in college. =D

Well, ain't that pretty?
Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana
Took my daddy's DSLR to college today. Had to transfer some pictures over. After doing that, I started snapping pictures. Since class finished early, some of us decide to do a few things.
Oh yeah, the four of us, Kavi, Fiona, Kat and I came up with a new term that will spread across the country! Clicking. Yes, clicking. Clicking simply means blogshopping. You go to the computer and you start clicking on the mouse, browsing from one blogshop to another. Clicking. It's pretty funny actually. The word is spreading around. Even some boys use it. =.=
Hannah and I got bored during Econs class. We decided to take out our G1 pens and start drawing on our hands and legs. Ah, fake tattoos. Would be really cool to get one though. =D
Yeah, this is what we do in college. =D
Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Mocca, Latte and Hot Chocolate
Last week was a pretty fun one, I guess. With the right company, *whispers* and the money it made the week very enjoyable and it passed really fast.
I had a one to one date with my special person. A date. I drove of course. We went to OneU, had dinner and talked. I really missed spending time together, talking about the most random things, comforting each other when we have our problems. Yes, I miss you alot. I miss you my TON PI!!!! D= Those of you who doesn't know who Ton Pi is, it's PIkky. We went shopping in Forever 21. We stayed there for about an hour. Yeah, just that one shop. She bought a skirt, i bought, NOTHING!! This is happyfying news! Anyway, yeah, she was my date! We bitched, we whined, we laughed, we reminisced. I will always love you my dear dear ton pi. Eh, betch, tomorrow got jogging date, don't forget ya?

OH yeah!!! Which reminds me! I took part in the JOG FOR HOPE!!! 6km baby!!!! I did it! I can actually slash one of my new year's resolutions yo!!!!!! WOOOT!!!!!! I'm starting to like this running thing. I'm going for the Terry Fox at the end of this year! That's if its after my SAM exams. =D Must get an iPod for this running thing yo.
I need to do my english essay for the text production thing. It's actually a pain in the arse.
Toodles with lots of love for you yo,
Alanna the Banana
I had a one to one date with my special person. A date. I drove of course. We went to OneU, had dinner and talked. I really missed spending time together, talking about the most random things, comforting each other when we have our problems. Yes, I miss you alot. I miss you my TON PI!!!! D= Those of you who doesn't know who Ton Pi is, it's PIkky. We went shopping in Forever 21. We stayed there for about an hour. Yeah, just that one shop. She bought a skirt, i bought, NOTHING!! This is happyfying news! Anyway, yeah, she was my date! We bitched, we whined, we laughed, we reminisced. I will always love you my dear dear ton pi. Eh, betch, tomorrow got jogging date, don't forget ya?
OH yeah!!! Which reminds me! I took part in the JOG FOR HOPE!!! 6km baby!!!! I did it! I can actually slash one of my new year's resolutions yo!!!!!! WOOOT!!!!!! I'm starting to like this running thing. I'm going for the Terry Fox at the end of this year! That's if its after my SAM exams. =D Must get an iPod for this running thing yo.
I need to do my english essay for the text production thing. It's actually a pain in the arse.
Toodles with lots of love for you yo,
Alanna the Banana
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Poppin' Champagne
Here goes another one.

To one person, who I have known since we were 13. We met on the bus, non? Laughing at the most random things, shared gossips and enjoyed every single bus ride until we got home. Look at us now, from 13 year olds to 18, well, the 18 that's just you. =D From little innocent outtings, to clubbings, and other details. We have yet to fight or argue about something. =D
To one girl, who I have spilled my secrets to, with so much trust. You listen to me at all circumstances and I listen to you. When we're happy, when we're sad, when we're angry at someone, when we're in love, when we cry from our heartbreaks. We talk over the phone late at night, and we do things like skipping class to just go for morning hot chocolate and hot mud cake. We always have each other's backs. No matter what. =D

To one business partner, who is enjoyable to work with. To decide the prices together, and both of us thinking the same. We may have different taste in clothes, but we sure do know how to make the business work! Getting excited over our first order, and over the other subsequent orders. Frustrated over difficult customers. We share them. =D

To one special friend, who has always been there to help me out. Emotionally. Giving me advice. Giving me help with all sorts of problems. Who has been everything to me. Without you, I wouldn't know what to do.
To this girl, I'm wishing you Happy Birthday. I may have given you a simple message in the card, but here is a longer, more meaningful message. Enjoy your birthday because today is the day, you deserve to feel special and nothing other. I love you, babe, always.

Here is my personal gift to you. It may be just a post, but you know how much I love you and what you mean to me, babe.
Toodles wishing another birthday girl,
Alanna the Banana
To one person, who I have known since we were 13. We met on the bus, non? Laughing at the most random things, shared gossips and enjoyed every single bus ride until we got home. Look at us now, from 13 year olds to 18, well, the 18 that's just you. =D From little innocent outtings, to clubbings, and other details. We have yet to fight or argue about something. =D
To one girl, who I have spilled my secrets to, with so much trust. You listen to me at all circumstances and I listen to you. When we're happy, when we're sad, when we're angry at someone, when we're in love, when we cry from our heartbreaks. We talk over the phone late at night, and we do things like skipping class to just go for morning hot chocolate and hot mud cake. We always have each other's backs. No matter what. =D
To one business partner, who is enjoyable to work with. To decide the prices together, and both of us thinking the same. We may have different taste in clothes, but we sure do know how to make the business work! Getting excited over our first order, and over the other subsequent orders. Frustrated over difficult customers. We share them. =D

To one special friend, who has always been there to help me out. Emotionally. Giving me advice. Giving me help with all sorts of problems. Who has been everything to me. Without you, I wouldn't know what to do.
To this girl, I'm wishing you Happy Birthday. I may have given you a simple message in the card, but here is a longer, more meaningful message. Enjoy your birthday because today is the day, you deserve to feel special and nothing other. I love you, babe, always.

Here is my personal gift to you. It may be just a post, but you know how much I love you and what you mean to me, babe.
Toodles wishing another birthday girl,
Alanna the Banana
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Free Falling
Today is a special day. And I ain't talking about the Independance Day of The United States of America. I've never done this before. Cause, I would always be doing something other than blogging on Saturday mornings at 10.52am. So here it goes!

We were just talking about yesterday since she brought the topic up. We never really talked to each other in high school. It was only a hi or a smile to each other or just passing a book to each other. But coming to college, being put into the same class together, we stuck together. Kat, Fiona, Kavi and I. The four of us, we clicked. We hang out with each other everday for lunch. We go out for movies, go clubbing ah, those were the times in the beginning of the year, we shop together. Never thought we would end up being so close. Helping each other in problems all the time, comforting each other and we always have each other's backs.
Kat, you're such a wonderful friend throughout these months, helping me go through my emotional roller coaster ride and making me happy when I'm sad, giving me advices and always hearing me out. You seriously can make me smile, see your face can smile edi! =D See, I'm talking to you now on msn and I'm smiling. Haha! I'll love you always, babe.
So Happy Birthday, babe. You are finally legal. You can forget about fake IDs and borrowing them just to get into clubs cause now, you can proudly walk in without worries! =D We'll be having lots of fun tonight, I assure you! I love you, babe!
Toodles, wishing the birthday girl with love,
Alanna the Banana
We were just talking about yesterday since she brought the topic up. We never really talked to each other in high school. It was only a hi or a smile to each other or just passing a book to each other. But coming to college, being put into the same class together, we stuck together. Kat, Fiona, Kavi and I. The four of us, we clicked. We hang out with each other everday for lunch. We go out for movies, go clubbing ah, those were the times in the beginning of the year, we shop together. Never thought we would end up being so close. Helping each other in problems all the time, comforting each other and we always have each other's backs.
Kat, you're such a wonderful friend throughout these months, helping me go through my emotional roller coaster ride and making me happy when I'm sad, giving me advices and always hearing me out. You seriously can make me smile, see your face can smile edi! =D See, I'm talking to you now on msn and I'm smiling. Haha! I'll love you always, babe.
So Happy Birthday, babe. You are finally legal. You can forget about fake IDs and borrowing them just to get into clubs cause now, you can proudly walk in without worries! =D We'll be having lots of fun tonight, I assure you! I love you, babe!
Toodles, wishing the birthday girl with love,
Alanna the Banana
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