Honestly, I think I worked my ass off last year. Yeah, I don't get good results in school cause I constantly have friends who are smarter than I am. I went for tuitions everyday. I would come back home at like 10pm or sometimes 11pm. My schedule for a week consisted of 4 lessons of add maths, 2 bio, 2 chem, 1 physics, and 1 bm. That was the schedule for like the last 3 months before the big exam came. I was that packed. If you're wondering how i managed to squeeze that much of extra classes into one week including school and all those extra curricular activities, trust me, you don't wanna know. There were times I broke down due to exhaustion and the pressure from teachers and parents, but the friends were always there for. I know I called Kavi several times crying to her telling her I can't do all those shit anymore. Most of friends told me to quit those classes but I didn't cause I understood that if I didn't go for them, I wouldn't be confident in getting good results for my exam. However, nearing the exams, I found myself facebooking and blogging more than ever. Arthur, Johann, Justin and I were constantly on facebook, commenting on pictures or whatever we could comment on. I was Skype-ing Kai Xin everyday. Basically, constantly on the internet. I'm not saying I was confident about everything, but I couldn't be bothered to study for the exam anymore.
Back to the torture.
So, i woke up the next morning at 7.30am. 3 hours of sleep, with lots of anxiety and tension in you, don't do you good. I took my daily morning shower and put on my clothes. I knew I had a poker face that whole morning at home. My dad was asking my what was wrong with me. My mom could understand me better, she knew I was worried. She did assure me that I worked hard for it and this was the time to show everyone that I could handle the workload, stress and pressure last year. I love my mommy for that. Dad kept on asking my what's wrong. God, I wanted to say, "I'm going to collect my damn spm results today damn it. If I don't get good reesults, I have to face all the teachers who had hopes for me! And my friends, what would they think of me!!". Nevertheless, I shut my mouth and shook my head. The moment I reached school, I was greeted with my high school friends. It has been three months since I saw all of us together in our high school. Since spm, everyone has been separated from each other and this is the only time we could socialise with each other again. After at least half an hour of waiting in anxiety, the clerks came out holding blue stacks of papers. You could hear everyone raising their voice in excitement. Mathews came out walking, with a straight face. We did hear that we did better than the previous batch in some of the subjects. Kind of a relief but what went through in everyone's minds were, "What if I'm not the one who did 'better' than the last batch?". Mathews held papers containing the percentage of the amount of passes and the names of the students who had whatsoever number of A's.
She must have thought it was a fun game to call out the names of the students. She even missed out a few names including Lumin's, which caused her to start tearing when her name still wasnt called out even after the 8A's category. It wasn't funny. Congrats to Justin and Elton and the rest who got more than 10A's. There were a number of them who got 10A's. I was standing next to Matthew James that time as the names were being called out. We noticed a number of students from 5W getting superb results. Both of us started to get worried after the 10A's category ended. There we were standing under the hot sun, sweating, and still waiting for our names to be called out. Mathews called out the names in the order of classes at first. Matthew and I were devastated when she called out people from the next class after ours, thinking that we didn't even get 9A's. Then she went back to someone random again and the both of us sighed in relief. She called out his name first. Then after a few names, she called mine.
I remember walking to her and shaking her hand. The next thing I knew, I was hugging Pikky with happiness and I started bursting into tears. I never expected I would do so well in SPM. My parents face were just priceless. Dad was grinning like hell, Mom was just as happy as dad. I hugged the both of them tightly and thanked them and God for everything they did for me last year. I collected my results from Mdm Haslina, my homeroom teacher. Somehow, she seemed a little different form the last time i saw her. I got B3 for stupid moral. Oh whatever, no one cares about that subject anyway. So screw that. Technically i got 10A's, including my GCE english aka 1119. (Matthew James just pointed that when we were wishing for 10A's, we forgot that we took 11 subjects cause of the 1119, so we did get 10A's cause we asked for it. I went through 4 yee sangs, 1 birthday wish and countless number of prayers, wishing for the 10A's instead of 11A's, WTF right?) I went around thanking teachers and hugging them with joy. After and hour or so, Pikky, Jus, Leng Lei and I went off to OU to well, celebrate and shop! My day continued to be perfect when my Yamaha called to inform me that my piano teacher was sick and I didn't need to go for class. AWESOME! Ok, not for my piano teacher but you get what I mean right? Haha! After laughing and talking about our results and walking around the mall, we left and we went home one by one.
Later that evening.
Jus came over to my house around 6pm. We had dinner and off we went to Kat's house for an "assignment". I went into Kat's room to find that Yong Tien Ning on the bed. I tell you ah, that girl, the moment I came into the room, she called me a bitch. She's a slut anyway. =D All four of us got ready for MOS. Hey, all four of us got awesome results and it was only fair to go celebrate with our friends and all. Fiona, Mei Li, Kar Mun, Jin Shuen, Sandra, Sundeep, Evon, Tien Eu, Dik Jun, Deepaq, Kelvin, Kevin, Junn Hsien, Yuan Hui, and many other WMS people. College friends joined us as well! Ian, Lester and Petrina were there. Even met Julia in MOS! With that many friends in one club, it was definitely fun! Dancing, drinking, getting high. Whoah. It was everything and more I wanted that night to be.
Oh yeah, I was popular in the club. Everyone was spelling out my name. B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Sadly there is an 'S' there. Oh well. I was a hit. =D
Now let the pictures do the talking,
Fiona and Kat <3
Kar Mun and Ning
Moi, Deepaq and Fi.
Ian, Jus, Me, Fiona and Kat!
Deepaq there and Jus. She got high. Really high. 4 or 5 shots of whiskey. Jus, you gotta control yourself sometimes. I can't be there for you all the time.
Wei Kwang, Ian and Fi.
Fi and Dik Jun. Look at Sheng Feng's face. Hilarious.
Jus, Kat and I.
There's Lester. Gosh, Jus, her eyes are really scary like that.
Kat and I. True Sapphire. Awesomeness!
Kat and Ning.
After partying all the way to 3am. Kat drove back home. Oh yeah, before that, we stopped at 7Eleven and we saw a guy peeing. Yeah. Disgusting. Ugh. Kat got us home safely. Sorry Kat for the bomb of comments on the driving on the way to MOS. We just care about you and our lives. =D We got home around 4am? We didn't sleep right away. We had the urge to camwhore. Ah, what would you expect girls to do after dressing up and putting on make up and when there is a camera in the room?

Zac. Yeah. And no, he doesn't look prettier than you Ning.

Is it me or do I look hot in those pictures or what! Ning, on the other hand, looks hot in every picture. Yes, you have le skills, non?

That's all for the day. Loads more happened but I'm too tired to type it all out! Anyways! Congrats to everybody who did well in their SPM!
Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana
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