I've got my driving test tomorrow. Again. Did i mention i failed it once? Oh yeah. I did.
Well, at least I passed my circuit. So i don't need to worry about doing the slope, or the parking or the three point turn again. But I like doing all those stuff. I failed my road. I didn't even make it out into the road. DON'T LAUGH! Try waiting 4 hours, sitting in a chair, anxiously waiting for your number to be called out. When it is finally your turn, and when all your friends "kinda" depend on you to pass cause they've lost their chance, you go towards the car, trying to be all cheerful when you're not because you just woke up from your short cat nap while waitign for your turn, you open the door and greet the JPJ officer with such a purky voice only in return, he gives you a nod with a grunt. You step into the car and you adjust the seat and continue smiling. You still feel a little bit anxious because he's scribbling on his pad. You use both hands to adjust the mirror. you wind down the window at your side and adjust that mirror. You turn to your left, and you kindly say, "Encik, boleh tolong tak?". He looks at you and he knows what you want him to do. He winds down the window for you while you stick out your left hand to just "touch" the mirror. When you finish, he winds up the window and continues scribbling in his clipboard. You put on your seat belt and start molesting the car. *Inside joke*. When your done checking everything, he tells you to "Jalan". You step on the clutch, using your left hand to move to stick into first gear, you gradually lift up your clutch and the vehicle moves. You keep telling yourself that you're going to pass this test.
The music is blaring. You try not to be distracted by the kompangs banging against your ears. You concentrate on the driving. You reach the "BERHENTI" sign. You pressed the clutch down and the breaks gradually until the car comes to a full stop. You free the gear and pull up the handbreak. You immediately go to the first gear again. Your right leg puts pressure on the accelerator making a noise. Your left leg releases the clutch and you notice the difference in the sound. You release the handbreaks and accelerate more. The car moves smoothly. You think, thank god that's over, you've just passed the first obstacle. In front of you you see 5 cars ahead of you. Your stop is on a slope. You just did one a few minutes ago, surely you can do it again, you think. You accelerate forward, stopping the car before the car in front of you. You notice, your car still can go forward. You accelerate more, thinking the car will go up. It makes a noise, and you notice that your surroundings are moving forward. Shit, your car is rolling down. The officer next to you isn't too happy about it and says, "Bahayalah macam ni. Nanti nak keluar macam mana. Jika ni berlaku di luar, tentulah akan langgar kereta lain. Turun." You have no choice but the agree with him, after all, he is the examiner. You let the car roll back some more. The officer looks at you and says, "Turun. Turun. Keluar. Keluar." You finally get he means, and you open the door and walk out. Both of you exchange seats. You know that this isn't a good sign. As the radio still playing, you try to make out the words coming out from the officer's mouth. After all, you couldn't be bothered anymore cause you've been waiting for four hours, and you are actually glad you didn't get out into the orad because its jammed. It's 2 in the afternoon, people are going back to their offices after their lunch break. He drives and makes a U-turn and drives you back to where you started. You finally realized that you've failed and what's worse, you didn't even make it out of the circuit. You laugh as you see your friends laughing as well. You just can't wait to tell your friends what happened. The officer, with his pen, started writing notes in the paper. You try to look at what he's writing without being obvious but you fail to because his handwriting was just too darn ugly, you couldn't be bothered. He passes you the paper and you say thank you and open the car door and walk out. You smile at your friends, knowing that you would be back here the next week again. You don't feel anything, but wanting to go home and sleep after a superbly long day. Look on the bright side, you passed your circuit.
That's what happened to me. It sucks. But oh well, lesson learned. I did nothing but balancing on the slope this morning during my lesson. I need to pass this test. I need to drive an auto. I can't wait to ditch manual. Seriously. But I don't want to forget it either. Anyhoo, my point is, don't make the same mistakes I did. Expect the unsuspected. I did not expect the slope at all. Usually there would be no cars ahead of me, so I would just drive to the junction out to the main road. I need to just relax and just do my best this time. Oh well. Wish me luck.
Toodles with love,
Alanna the banana
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