Friday, January 23, 2009

TCSH Orientation Party

Ok, i didn't get alot of pictures, but enought for memories... My legs are aching now due to all the dancing in heels. Worse than prom. i mean my legs!!

I had fun at the last hour. Lots of dancing, going up and down the stage and all. Woah.

Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana

Monday, January 19, 2009

Another one? Seriously?

A. Attached or single?


B. Best friend?

Velu. Hur. Everyone ok? Including you too Kai.

C. Cake or pie?


D. Day of choice?

Fridays. Love the starting of the weekend!

E. Essential item?


F. Favorite colour?

White and red. So the perfect combination kan?

G. Gummy bears or worms?

I don't eat these gummy bears shitzz. I think it's just ugh.

H. Hometown?

Parit Jawa, Muar, Johor.

I. Favorite indulgence?

Ice-cream. XD and PANCAKES!

J. January or July?

Er, January. New beginnings and all.

K. Kids?

2. First boy then girl.

L. Life isn't complete without?


M. Marriage date?

Walao eh.. I let my mother choose la.

N. Number of magazine subscriptions?

One? Cleo!

O. Oranges or apples?

Apples. Love green apples.

P. Phobias?

Haemophobia. Those in 5W of 2008 will know what I'm talking about.

Q. Quotes?

"Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them" William Shakespeare - Twelve Night. (Matthew and Peter, I will get you one day for snatching the book from me in the library. What nonsence, you guys wanna read it first. XD)

R. Reasons to smile?

When I'm happy. When friends make me laugh. Especially Darshann and his nonsense in class. Why on earth would you colour your nails silver with a permanent marker. Were you jealous of my delicious candy pink nails? HAHAHA. you and your devil wears prada.

S. Season of choice?

Autumn. Especially in Japan, when there are different colours of the trees everywhere. I would wanna go there again. *heart*

T. Tag 10 people.

Nyeh. You do it if you feel like doing it.

U. Unknown fact about me?

*high pitched voice* I FREAKING LOVE THE JONAS BROTHERS!!!!

OMFreakingG!! I do not! I think Zac Efron is good looking. especially in Hairspray and 17 again. Yum. And I dreamt about him being my boyfriend.

V. Vegetable?

Pak Choy. HAHAHHA!!! Uncle Choy. AHAHHHAHAHA!!!

W. Worst habit?


Y. Your favorite food?

I've got alot of favourites.

Z. Zodiac sign?


Third Person

I knew that when you came you were trouble. But what did I do? I willingly let myself befriend you, get closer to you and made you take advantage of my weak heart. You knew that I had my heart broken 3 times in a row and you somehow convinced me that you would be the one to change it all. I couldn't believe I was so stupid. I almost gave my heart to you! Thank bludy god I didn't. So people do leave even though they've said I love you. You were basically a liar! You lied to my face! You fucking lied to me in front of your friends. Am I too ugly for you? Am I not good enough for you? Am I not smart enough for you? Am I not freaking nice enough for you? Because I think I'm pretty enough, I'm nice enough, polite enough, funny enough, talkative enough, smart enough, and friendly enough for your dumb stupid personality. So what if I don't go out late at night, or smoke, or go clubbing often, or speak cantonese? I can beat you in english anytime! GOD! You know, I didn't wanna say this, but your english was just horrible. It wasn't that bad, it was just plain NONSENSE. I couldn't understand some of the messages, your spelling was wrong, you couldn't even spell out my favourite flower. DUDE! It's very easy! It's D-A-I-S-Y, not daisee. That's like day-see, you know like tengok, look, sea, see. How stupid were you.
Blah. Your not worth talking about.

ANYHOOO!!!!!! Yesh, Alanna has been away. I like referring myself as a third person, so what? I think it's fun. ANYWAY! Busy driving you're assumming. No no, I've been just busy. Macam sleeping, eating, tengok tv, tengok Satu pokok bukit, season 4. Ya ya, things like that. I've also been happier these days. There are no cute guys in college apparently, but there are some guys which are pretty er, interesting, I would say. I am crapping. Yes, because I have nothing to write about kan, I type in macam, english mixed malay, you know? See see, crapping again. Hmm.. I like my pink nails. Yes, yes. My pink nails are so awesome. It's candy pink so I just feel like licking them cause they look so sweet. Oh yeah, Orientation Party for TCSH students is on this thursday. YAY! I know what to wear, do you? I am NOT wearing a dress again. I do not want to keep on pulling my dress up when I'm dancing. I'm wearing slacks. Better kan? Macam more sexier kan? Different kan? OOOhhhhh, i like saying "kan", kan? Yes, here I go rambling again. You might wonder why I'm rambling without any reason. And you might wanna stop reading now. (Matthew, I know, in your head you're saying, "ok, I'm going to stop reading now cause she's telling me too and because this post is boring". HAHA. I'm weird.) This post is going to be just filled with my ramblings while I sit here and eat my pau. I wonder what's in it. Let me see. Wait ya? oooooo. Char siu. Yummy. Thank god, I'm not in NS now, if not I wouldn't be able to enjoy this wonderful delicacy. Yum yum. AHHHHH!!! HOT HOT HOT!! I burnt my tongue. I find the word "tongue" funny. If you were to pronounce it the way it's spelt, it's like tan-gu-eh. HAHAH. I humour myself. YERRRR... it's too salty. HAHHA!!

Yeah, this post is just crap. I can't wait for buddies to come back from NS so that we can all ramble random things together. HAHAHHAH!!!

ANYWAY! gotta finish my pau. And then do my accounts and econs and maths homework. BLEH.

Toodles with pau,
Alanna the Banana

P.S - I'm going to the JASON MRAZY LIVE CONCERT ON the 4th of march!! YESSSSS!!! XD

P.P.S - I haven't told my mom I bought the tickets already.

P.P.P.S - What have I done. I'm screwed. No, maybe she will forgive me. What am I thinking? what WAS i thinking?

P.P.P.P.S - You must be sick of this p.s thing. You must forgive this poor soul for like wasting 7 minutes of your precious time to listen to her weird, random, insignificant rambles for she has been dumped. And when she got dumped, she wasn't sad, because someone asked her out. But then that someone said he couldn't take her out. So, she is quite upset about that because she was supposed to have pancakes for dinner! FREE pancakes. She didn't really want the company, she just wanted those pancakes for free. YUM YUM. Just thinking about it makes her rub her tummy. You might be thinking, she still has the pau. No no, she finished it when she typed "what WAS i thinking". Yeah, she's that hungry. She feels like she's rambling and going off topic again. Hmmm. She must learn how to stay on track. She is making a mental note to herself : STAY ON TOPIC. She doesnt mind the company but she just prefers the food. That's all.

P.P.P.P.P.S - Don't get pissed. She just really wants to say bye now for she has to go find something to eat. Hur. And she just wants to congratulate Pikky for FINALLY passing her driving test! She loves Pikky. Now, she wants to see Pikky suffer, driving on the road. She thinks Malaysia drivers are scary. Toodles.

Monday, January 12, 2009

With Flying Colours?


No, i do not get to drive by myself yet. Daddy wants to see how I handle my car on the road. So, if your looking for a driver, call me in a months time. But you better be insured. Just to be safe. Hur.

Toodles with love,
Alanna The Banana

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I've got my driving test tomorrow. Again. Did i mention i failed it once? Oh yeah. I did.

Well, at least I passed my circuit. So i don't need to worry about doing the slope, or the parking or the three point turn again. But I like doing all those stuff. I failed my road. I didn't even make it out into the road. DON'T LAUGH! Try waiting 4 hours, sitting in a chair, anxiously waiting for your number to be called out. When it is finally your turn, and when all your friends "kinda" depend on you to pass cause they've lost their chance, you go towards the car, trying to be all cheerful when you're not because you just woke up from your short cat nap while waitign for your turn, you open the door and greet the JPJ officer with such a purky voice only in return, he gives you a nod with a grunt. You step into the car and you adjust the seat and continue smiling. You still feel a little bit anxious because he's scribbling on his pad. You use both hands to adjust the mirror. you wind down the window at your side and adjust that mirror. You turn to your left, and you kindly say, "Encik, boleh tolong tak?". He looks at you and he knows what you want him to do. He winds down the window for you while you stick out your left hand to just "touch" the mirror. When you finish, he winds up the window and continues scribbling in his clipboard. You put on your seat belt and start molesting the car. *Inside joke*. When your done checking everything, he tells you to "Jalan". You step on the clutch, using your left hand to move to stick into first gear, you gradually lift up your clutch and the vehicle moves. You keep telling yourself that you're going to pass this test.

The music is blaring. You try not to be distracted by the kompangs banging against your ears. You concentrate on the driving. You reach the "BERHENTI" sign. You pressed the clutch down and the breaks gradually until the car comes to a full stop. You free the gear and pull up the handbreak. You immediately go to the first gear again. Your right leg puts pressure on the accelerator making a noise. Your left leg releases the clutch and you notice the difference in the sound. You release the handbreaks and accelerate more. The car moves smoothly. You think, thank god that's over, you've just passed the first obstacle. In front of you you see 5 cars ahead of you. Your stop is on a slope. You just did one a few minutes ago, surely you can do it again, you think. You accelerate forward, stopping the car before the car in front of you. You notice, your car still can go forward. You accelerate more, thinking the car will go up. It makes a noise, and you notice that your surroundings are moving forward. Shit, your car is rolling down. The officer next to you isn't too happy about it and says, "Bahayalah macam ni. Nanti nak keluar macam mana. Jika ni berlaku di luar, tentulah akan langgar kereta lain. Turun." You have no choice but the agree with him, after all, he is the examiner. You let the car roll back some more. The officer looks at you and says, "Turun. Turun. Keluar. Keluar." You finally get he means, and you open the door and walk out. Both of you exchange seats. You know that this isn't a good sign. As the radio still playing, you try to make out the words coming out from the officer's mouth. After all, you couldn't be bothered anymore cause you've been waiting for four hours, and you are actually glad you didn't get out into the orad because its jammed. It's 2 in the afternoon, people are going back to their offices after their lunch break. He drives and makes a U-turn and drives you back to where you started. You finally realized that you've failed and what's worse, you didn't even make it out of the circuit. You laugh as you see your friends laughing as well. You just can't wait to tell your friends what happened. The officer, with his pen, started writing notes in the paper. You try to look at what he's writing without being obvious but you fail to because his handwriting was just too darn ugly, you couldn't be bothered. He passes you the paper and you say thank you and open the car door and walk out. You smile at your friends, knowing that you would be back here the next week again. You don't feel anything, but wanting to go home and sleep after a superbly long day. Look on the bright side, you passed your circuit.

That's what happened to me. It sucks. But oh well, lesson learned. I did nothing but balancing on the slope this morning during my lesson. I need to pass this test. I need to drive an auto. I can't wait to ditch manual. Seriously. But I don't want to forget it either. Anyhoo, my point is, don't make the same mistakes I did. Expect the unsuspected. I did not expect the slope at all. Usually there would be no cars ahead of me, so I would just drive to the junction out to the main road. I need to just relax and just do my best this time. Oh well. Wish me luck.

Toodles with love,
Alanna the banana

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cause I just did one an hour ago.

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Right back at me.


*1. Those who get tagged must answer the question about themselves.

*2. At the end of the post, tag 10 people except the person who tagged you(tagger).

*3. Continue this game by sending to other people.(refer to rule No.2)

Time: 12.05am

Name: Alanna Ong Min Quen

Age/Birthday: 18. ok, maybe i turn 18 in october.

School: Taylors college, Hartamas! (YES!)

Elder sister: No.

Younger sisters: No.

Elder brothers: No.

Younger brothers: No.

Favourite liquids [drinks]: For now its green tea.

Favourite consumables [food]: Inari, Tamago, Japanese food!!!

Favourite place to sleep: My bed.

Flying?: In the plane? with all the movies and games and all??? It sucks to be away from your loved ones though.

Swimming/Diving?: Swimming.

How many friends in MSN?: 325

Couple?: I'm single.

Loved ones?: Family and friends!! and ahem

Get kicked on the butt: just recently.. maybe er.. 2 days ago?

Allergic?: Bees.

Gastric?: Used to have sever ones in form 3. Due to stress.

Age of marriage?: 27 or 28 would be fine.

Children wanted?: 2. First boy the a girl. Dont know why, I just want it that way. But if doesnt turn out that way, I would love them anyways

Age of death?: 100?

Animals in house?: Fishes? LOL.

Longest fingernail ever kept: One month.

Wanted birthday present : The freaking iPhone!

Q: In your dream, god tells you that you are a billionaire in your dream world and gives you a wish. What would you wish for?

A: For him to come back right now and to give me a call when i wake up.

I tag :-

Whoever who wants to do it. I'm just too lazy to type your names out. LOL.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Appreciation and Resolutions

This is going to be a typical what-I-did-today post. I don't usually do this but it's the new year. =)

I haven't been home for 3 days. Alright, 2 nights to be exact. I've been spending it over at Pikky's! It was funny, I spent most of my time at her house sleeping. Anyway, on the 30th, we went out looking for dinner with her cousin. So we went to SS2, the restaurant was packed, so we kinda just gave up on it and went to another on. We drove all the way to Taman Tun to another restaurant and we found it closed. In the end we just decided on KFC. Had a blast there. Hunter, Pikky's cousin was doing a parody of the Jonas Brothers. Apparently, everything we talked about that night, always came back to the topic of shit. Shit, you know, faeces. Nevermind, inside joke. Anyway, after dinner, we went to pick up Justina from her house and went back to Pikky's after dropping Hunter off. WEE~ GIRLS NIGHT!!!

The next day we went to OneU to go have lunch with a whole bunch of people! Who was there? Er, well a whole bunch. Haha! I'm weird. Excuse the weird, new me. Anyhoo, met Joanne there! With her boyfriend. Next, went to Ms. Read to have our lunch. After that we went to watch Bedtime Stories. It was not bad for a disney movie. I like Bugsy. I find him a little scary, because of the huge bug eyes, but it's cute at the same time.

After watching the movie, everybody seemed to have split ways and left. It was New Year's Eve. Pikky, Jus and I met up with Leng Lei on her break and went to PHOP to have er, tea? Well, I ate pancakes. Yummy! Classic pancakes, with butter and jam with a tinge of cinnamon. Yummy. We paid the bill and left and met up with Eugene. Leng Lei and Jus had to go. So Pikky, Eugene and I decided to play Foodball. Two girls against one. You'd think we'd win. Well, we did, maybe the first few balls. But after that, Eugene owned us. (Forgive the dota language.) We saw "her". Well, Eugene did. Once, again, inside joke. Blah.
Went home after that and I slept again. =)

We went out for dinner again. And after that, Pikky, Even, Hunter, Patrick and I hit off to OneU again! We played bowling! I was losing. Drastically. Chipped my nail off again. Again!! BLAH! Then we hit off to Central Park to witness the fireworks. We were quite close to were the fireworks were released, so it was pretty loud. But the advantage was we had it above us, and boy, was it big! It was a magnificent and magical view. You just get so absorbed in the view and suddenly all your worries are forgotten. Then all you want to do is just spend it with your other half. (Unfortunately he wasn't here with me. Ok, emo-ness is taking over. Shit, this is not the way to spend the new year!!!!!) Anyhoo, after the fireworks thingamajig, we had to walk all the way to McD's. Yeah, the Centrepoint one. All we had to do was walk straight, but woah, it was pretty far. But on the way there, we were blasting music on our phones, singing along to it.

Ok, back to the whole topic. It's the new year! New year means the new you, new life, new people to meet, new experiences, new everything! To me, the new year is about me, being a better person, a new beginning, new responsibilities, new things to discover, new environment like college, new friends to make, driving, basically, turn over a new leaf. Everybody's been busy wishing one another a happy new year. Inbox filled with text messages, messages couldn't be sent, going to malls for countdowns. I've been thinking though, what are my new year resolutions this year? I usually manage to achieve at least half of the list but this year will be different!

2009 Resolutions!

1. Make at least one person smile each day.
2. Make new friends and not enemies.
3. Take part in a small cross country. (If WMS decides to hold another one this year, then I'll be there)
4. Study hard for my SAM.
5. Balance my studies with fun.
6. Write appreciation notes to my friends just to make them smile, once in awhile.
7. Play more sports.
8. Bring my paper cutting up to another notch!
9. Laugh and smile more rather than sulk and emo.
10. Appreciate my parents more, by spending some time with them.
11. Put on at least 3 kgs this year. At least.
12. Save 10 bucks a week. Ok, at least 7 bucks.

I have more, but they are pretty personal. So what's yours? Tell me what the new year means to you and what are your new years resolutions!

I tag :
Jie Cong
Chang Hui
and whoever wants to do it.

It may seem pretty lame, but it would be nice to share it don't you think?


Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana