This is going to be a typical what-I-did-today post. I don't usually do this but it's the new year. =)
I haven't been home for 3 days. Alright, 2 nights to be exact. I've been spending it over at Pikky's! It was funny, I spent most of my time at her house sleeping. Anyway, on the 30th, we went out looking for dinner with her cousin. So we went to SS2, the restaurant was packed, so we kinda just gave up on it and went to another on. We drove all the way to Taman Tun to another restaurant and we found it closed. In the end we just decided on KFC. Had a blast there. Hunter, Pikky's cousin was doing a parody of the Jonas Brothers. Apparently, everything we talked about that night, always came back to the topic of shit. Shit, you know, faeces. Nevermind, inside joke. Anyway, after dinner, we went to pick up Justina from her house and went back to Pikky's after dropping Hunter off. WEE~ GIRLS NIGHT!!!
The next day we went to OneU to go have lunch with a whole bunch of people! Who was there? Er, well a whole bunch. Haha! I'm weird. Excuse the weird, new me. Anyhoo, met Joanne there! With her boyfriend. Next, went to Ms. Read to have our lunch. After that we went to watch Bedtime Stories. It was not bad for a disney movie. I like Bugsy. I find him a little scary, because of the huge bug eyes, but it's cute at the same time.
After watching the movie, everybody seemed to have split ways and left. It was New Year's Eve. Pikky, Jus and I met up with Leng Lei on her break and went to PHOP to have er, tea? Well, I ate pancakes. Yummy! Classic pancakes, with butter and jam with a tinge of cinnamon. Yummy. We paid the bill and left and met up with Eugene. Leng Lei and Jus had to go. So Pikky, Eugene and I decided to play Foodball. Two girls against one. You'd think we'd win. Well, we did, maybe the first few balls. But after that, Eugene owned us. (Forgive the dota language.) We saw "her". Well, Eugene did. Once, again, inside joke. Blah.
Went home after that and I slept again. =)
We went out for dinner again. And after that, Pikky, Even, Hunter, Patrick and I hit off to OneU again! We played bowling! I was losing. Drastically. Chipped my nail off again. Again!! BLAH! Then we hit off to Central Park to witness the fireworks. We were quite close to were the fireworks were released, so it was pretty loud. But the advantage was we had it above us, and boy, was it big! It was a magnificent and magical view. You just get so absorbed in the view and suddenly all your worries are forgotten. Then all you want to do is just spend it with your other half. (Unfortunately he wasn't here with me. Ok, emo-ness is taking over. Shit, this is not the way to spend the new year!!!!!) Anyhoo, after the fireworks thingamajig, we had to walk all the way to McD's. Yeah, the Centrepoint one. All we had to do was walk straight, but woah, it was pretty far. But on the way there, we were blasting music on our phones, singing along to it.
Ok, back to the whole topic. It's the new year! New year means the new you, new life, new people to meet, new experiences, new everything! To me, the new year is about me, being a better person, a new beginning, new responsibilities, new things to discover, new environment like college, new friends to make, driving, basically, turn over a new leaf. Everybody's been busy wishing one another a happy new year. Inbox filled with text messages, messages couldn't be sent, going to malls for countdowns. I've been thinking though, what are my new year resolutions this year? I usually manage to achieve at least half of the list but this year will be different!
2009 Resolutions!
1. Make at least one person smile each day.
2. Make new friends and not enemies.
3. Take part in a small cross country. (If WMS decides to hold another one this year, then I'll be there)
4. Study hard for my SAM.
5. Balance my studies with fun.
6. Write appreciation notes to my friends just to make them smile, once in awhile.
7. Play more sports.
8. Bring my paper cutting up to another notch!
9. Laugh and smile more rather than sulk and emo.
10. Appreciate my parents more, by spending some time with them.
11. Put on at least 3 kgs this year. At least.
12. Save 10 bucks a week. Ok, at least 7 bucks.
I have more, but they are pretty personal. So what's yours? Tell me what the new year means to you and what are your new years resolutions!
I tag :
Jie Cong
Chang Hui
and whoever wants to do it.
It may seem pretty lame, but it would be nice to share it don't you think?
Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana