Saturday, July 24, 2010

Can you say Burr?

Since Uni started, I haven't been able to get back on the momentum I once left after the exam period last semester. I've been meaning to do my work but I seem to be procrastinating all the time. So I came up with a little something when I was reading Business Law.

Studying a subject is like dating a boy, or a girl. But let's stick to boys right now. Like I said, studying a subject is like dating a boy. How so?

You seem interested in the subject and you decide you want to take it up in your course. It's like, you are interested in this guy and you just want to get to know him better. Going for lectures and tutorials is like going on dates with the guy. Working on homework and assignments is like working on your relationship problems. Then it comes to the big showdown, exams. You get nervous before the day because you've been studying so much and when it comes to the big day, you do your best. Like sex, you get so nervous before you do it, but when it comes to it, you do your best I guess? So you come out satisfied or otherwise, depending on the pleasure scale, that's like getting your exam results back. Then you decide to major in the subject, that's like getting engaged to the guy. You graduate in that subject, oh, you're finally married to the guy of your dreams. Then one day, after several years, you decide that it's not what you like doing and you prefer some other field. So in order to pursue in another field, you gotta leave your job. You've been married for a few years, you start to realise that you aren't happy in the relationship. Plus, you fell in love with another guy and you decide to leave your husband. DIVORCE!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah.

Toodles with work to do,
Alanna the Banana

Thursday, July 22, 2010

So my fingers hurt

Interesting thought.

Have you ever wondered how will all those lala's and ah beng's will turn out in future? Dressing wise I mean, I don't really wanna think about their career. They can't exactly pull off their current outfits when they're adults. They'll just look horribly funny. The more I think about it, the more imaginative my mind gets.

Toodles with interesting images in my head,
Alanna the Banana

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm eating Koko Krunch as I type this out

I'm beginning to think I only blog a lot when I'm bored. And when exams are near, like the next day near. Anyway, holidays are over and I've just started Uni for the second semester.

Holidays were totally awesome because
  1. I had no worries about when the next assignment was due or if I've studied everything I needed for my papers.
  2. I did basically nothing but go out and have fun with friends. 
  3. Due to all the saving I did in Uni, I got to spend them all on clothes. *grins*
  4. I went to Singapore with friends and my boyfriend. Seriously, what is better than going for a holiday with your boyfriend?
  5. I finally read a book besides my textbook. 
  6. All I'm happy for is the alone time I got. 
 I'm not going to post any pictures of Singapore up. Maybe some.Maybe later. I feel so lazy.


I have never been more afraid in my life. I'm afraid I'll miss home too much. My parents. The boyfriend. Especially the boyfriend. It's almost the end of July, and I'm starting to feel that time is running out.

Some of my friends have come up to me and told me that long distance relationship is going to be painful and suffering and I should think before getting into it. Some have broken up with their other halves. Some before they go overseas, some during the distance. And I'm afraid it would happen.

I've been through this with the boyfriend. And hopefully faith will put us through this hurdle until I come back. But I'm afraid. Just afraid, not worried, afraid.

Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana