I seldom blog about high school and college life. One of the many reasons is because I didn't want it to be like an ordinary blog, just going on about my daily life and all. No offence to the ones who do that, I like reading your blogs to keep in touch with what's going on with you guys. =D
Also, I would be too lazy to narrate it out again about what happened and all in college because if I find something funny, 1. only my friends would get it, 2. only they would respond to it, 3. the rest of you guy would be wondering, what the hell is so funny about that. 4. when I try to explain it to you, you wouldn't find it funny, but out of politeness, you would just type "haha", 5. It wouldn't be so funny anymore.
Recently, I was talking to my younger cousin. She's just starting her secondary life. This girl here, sits down and tells me everything that goes on in her high school and then asks me for advice on how to handle certain situations. Then you start reflecting upon yourself and reminisce about your high school life. It never hit me that I left high school. I never thought I would miss my friends. I never even thought so much about high school until now. When I posted up a note on Facebook about asking people the memories we spent together, Arthur brought up a few wonderful moments. Now, I'm trying to remember every single memory I had of my secondary life.
My cousin brought this up. Spotchecks. Remember the times when we brought liquid paper to school and we, girls would put them up into our plaits on the skirt? We had to hold onto them. If we were lucky enough, it would stay there without dropping when we walked. We, the ones who brought "illegal" stuff would be worry our asses off. When we were in lower sec, we would bring minor stuff like liquid papers and extra money. As we grew older, we became more rebellious, bringing mp3 players, ipods, dvd series, not handing up our handphones. I remember we would hide them in all sorts of spaces. In the dustbin, wrapped up in paper, on the airconds, behind the soft boards. In the older classrooms, we had holes behind the soft boards. Those holes were pretty popular places to hide your gadgets. Hilarious. We had our prefect friends who always warned us about the spotchecks. But then we never got heads up anymore cause they didn't know when it would happen as well. Now I think back, why couldn't we just obey the rules? Then again, where's the thrill? =D
Remember those sales we had? Like, "Friendship Day" sales. (Man, why did they even bother calling it friendship day. Valentines day is supposed to be an occassion to celebrate your love for others. Your parents, your teachers, your friends. It's not necessarily for your other half only. Jeez. Friendship day also sold roses and bouquets of chocolates. What's the difference? It doesn't mean that changing the name can change the true meaning of the occassion. Deep down, we still know that it is INDEED valentine's day.) The papers circulating around the class, constantly having names filled in the boxes. People would genuinely buy lollipops for their friends, writing silly messages and inside jokes. Some would play tricks on their friends. They actually don't mind spending a ringgit or two to just get a few laughs. Fake secret admirers and all. It seems pretty lame now, we found it funny then. Actually, we still find it funny until now. Ordering is easy, getting the job done is damn difficult. You had 5 forms times 6 classes. times another average of 30 students. Then some of them buy so many things for random people like the infamous case of Jonathan Lam.
When our term papers came, we would struggle to study. Even though it's in the beginning of the year, now I think back and ask myself why couldn't I do better in the first term. There was only a few topics to study for, what could have been so difficult. But of course, you have to bear in mind, that time we had 10 bludy subjects to study for. But still, you can't help but think, why couldn't you work a little harder, worry more about the exam and all? Then when you get back your results, you don't actually care. Hmm.. I think it was because we thought we still had a long time to catch up on our work and we didn't think much about our future then. Now, when you're in college, you think about getting the highest percentage as possible to be on top of the class so that when the year ends, you get to choose whicever university you want to go to. Then, we were just kids and had constant fun.
UNIFORMS!!!! WMS uniforms were actually pretty decent. All we had to do then was just wear the same outfit everyday and it would be fine you know. In college, you gotta choose your clothes every morning? I have to lay out my clothes the night before cause I know, after mt showers in the morning, I would be shivering. Shivering while choosing your clothes, which is a long process, is not good. Girls, you know how we don't repeat our outfits unless necessary? Ah, you just think that you need more clothes, actually we don't. We just don't wanna be critisized about wearing the same clothes. But nobody actaully bothers about it cause we're in college, not a fashion show. But still, we don't repeat outfits. Guys, they just don't give a damn. But there are metrosexual ones you know.
Friends. You grew up together for 5 years and now you're all in different colleges and in different countries. I was thinking about the times we would laugh in class as a whole, knowing that we have a whole year together and still be friends the next. You went through tough times together. The F5 seriously made the class a whole much livelier. Before SPM, we had fun taking pictures and going around just not studying. Coming to school and not doing anything at all but play scrabble or basketball with the other forms who were having their post exams. (I miss those post exam activities!) Then we sit for our exams and we attend prom. We say that we'll always keep in touch with one another but in reality, we won't be able to all the time. We meet new people in college or at work and then we somehow can only just reminisce about the times we had fun together. Soon, we're all going to be separated again. This time, further. Most of us will be going overseas and only a handful would be staying back in Malaysia. There is always Skype and everything but the fact that we're in university, we wouldn't have much time to spend chatting online with old friends. Assignments, research and part time jobs would be in our way. It's sad I know, but its the truth.
At this moment, most of us are in college. We're always busy with assignments which are continuously stacking up. Unless you're like me, all organized and having very very good team mates who do everything you tell them to do. Tests that take into account in our final year-end score. Everything we do in college now seems to happen so fast. We're always writing notes and finishing up our work that we barely even realize that we're going to end this year very very soon, even though I know we're still in the month of february. For some of us, A levels have extra 6 more months. Everything is a buzz. SAM people are already stressed out, those who are taking the March intake, good luck to YOU guys.
So why am I finally talking about high school life? Why am I only talking about it NOW? Maybe it's because it finally hit me. That i've already moved forward into another chapter of my life and everything I said above belongs to the past. I just realized that I have more responsibles and I can't afford to joke around like in secondary life. We're talking about our futures here. Now. High school is over.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
It's VDay. I had nothing to do so I wrote this.
The phone vibrated again. Her house phone was ringing. An IM popped up on her computer screen. The door bell rang. All these happened at the same time. She stared at everything. The door was only a few feet away from her. She held her phone tightly as it continued vibrating. Lost. That was what she was. It all happened too fast.
"So???? Who is he?" asked Jo. She looked at her friend, tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled while she hugged her books tightly towards her chest. "Don't just leave me in the dark, tell me already!!!" Once again, she took a look at Jo and glanced to her left. There he was. Wearing a red shirt, Levi's hanging loosely on his hips, one hand in his pocket, another holding onto the strap of his bag he was carrying on his shoulder. His hair looked like he had just woken up and he had his earphones on. He stopped walking and looked directly at her as if knowing she was analysing him. He shot her a smile so warm, she thought she was going to faint if she returned the smile to him. She chose to smile with her eyes instead and he just knew what she meant. He walked into the classroom, taking one quick look at her once more and he was gone as the door closed behind him. "I see now. Shaun? Not bad," Jo said as nudged her friend.
"We got talking yesterday and the conversation got kinda quiet. Then he asked me out. I didn't know what to say. Actually, I didn't even say anything after that. He just told me to join him for lunch today. He wouldn't take no for an answer," she explained to Jo. "That explains your cute top. What style are you going for? I'm-just-your-average-girl or is it I-look-good-in-this-top-and-you-know-it-so-you-better-say-I-look-good?" Jo asked as both of them started walking to their classroom. "I'm not going for any look. This was what I was going to wear today anyway," she said and paused. "Alright, maybe I am going for the I'm-just-your-average-girl-but-I-think-I-can-totally-kick-ass-this-outfit, happy?" she continued as she grinned at Jo. "Thank god, after six years of hanging out with me, you showed that at least you learnt something," Jo said with relief. They pushed the classroom door together and walked in with Jo going in first. "Hey, Lisa!" someone called out.
She looked up and saw Chase. His hair was styled up, all spiky and his black hair brought out his big, brown, eyes. His pierced ear had a diamond stud the size of a diameter of a pencil. In fact, he actually was kind of cute. Lisa walked over to him and put her books down on the desk next to him. "Someone's attracted to me. You know it, I know it, and we know it's Y-to-the-O-to-the-U. Which explains why you're sitting next to me, again," said Chase with confidence. Raising her eyebrow, she grinned and said, "You were the one waving your hands like a mad person and pointing at this seat. Besides that, you just need me to tutor you on Maths again right?". He smiled showing his straight pearly whites as he pushed the Math book towards her. "See? I knew it," said Lisa.
Leo says:
Hey you.
Lee-Sa!! says:
Hey!!! How r you over there?
Leo says:
If you consider having to constantly to call random ppl frm the phonebk, and then get yelled by them, fine, then I guess I'm good here.
Lee-Sa!! says:
That bad huh? At least you'll be quitting your job soon right? I mean, how long have you been working? Since the holidays started?
Leo says:
Yup! In 2 days, I'll b back in town. So, how's college?
Lee-Sa!! says:
FANtastic! Some really cute guy just asked me out n I'm totally psyched abt it!
Leo says:
Oh. Good 4 you Lisa. =)
Lee-Sa!! says:
I know!! Leo, you gotta come back soon. I really miss those outings we usually have during the weekends. Text me or IM me k?
Lee-Sa!! says:
Leo says:
Yeah, I'm here.
Lee-Sa!! says:
Text me or IM me alright? I have to go now. Date!!! AHHH!!
Leo says:
Alright. See you.
Lee-Sa!! says:
Lee-Sa!! may not respond because his or her status is Offline.
Hope the date sucks.
Lisa logged off and clicked the Shut Down button. She packed up her stuff and walked out from the library. Where was he going to take her, she thought. She climbed up the stairs slowly as her kitten heels clacked on the marble floors. She saw him talking to his friends. He looked like he was having a casual conversation when he stopped and looked at her. Once again, she thought she was going to melt. She walked over and said hi to his friends. "Enough chatting. We have to go for lunch now. If we waste any more time talking, my minutes will keep on reducing cause they were supposed to be for this young lady here," said Shaun with a little smile as he put his hand on her shoulder. She was half a head shorter than him. Good to know that she can add more inches on her heels whenever they go out some other time. If there was going to be some other time. They excused themselves and walked out from the campus. They talked about their classes, who did what and complained about the lecturer they both have. Shaun lead her into a small restaurant. It was small and cosy and perfect for lunch.
"You're ordering mac and cheese? You do know that it's filled with cheese and loads of carbs right?" asked Shaun. "I know that. I like cheese. That's why I'm ordering it," she replied with surprise. She looked at him, he looked well, shocked.
"What's wrong?"
"Common, you can't fool me."
"Ok. You're probably the first girl I've seen ordering Mac and Cheese."
"Cause, the other girls I've seen either have Caesar Salad or just a cup of smoothie. Fruit smoothie. Usually strawberry."
"Ahh. I'm not one of them. I like to eat. Carbs or whatever."
"You know, I like a girl with an appetite."
"Oh really?"
"Then I should order more then!"
"No, you're going to burn a hole in my wallet. I brought only like 50 cause I thought you were going to have salad or something. Guess I was wrong about that."
Lisa thought he was sweet, smart, funny and cheeky. He was good-looking, friendly around people, it was almost hard to believe that he's sitting in front of her. She never had someone like him ask her out before. Both of them ate and talked and laughed. They would have continued the conversation if it wasn't for the "The Way I Are" ringtone coming from his pocket. "Lisa, I have to take this. I'll be right back," he said as he stood up from his place and walked out from the restaurant. Lisa looked out of the window and all sorts of thoughts came into mind. She couldn't wait to tell Jo how the date went and that he wanted to go out with her again some other time. She looked outside and noticed how blue the sky was and how green the plants looked today. Then something caught her eye. A black BMW. All her thoughts of Shaun faded away into the dark. A guy with a white polo with faded dark blue jeans stepped out from the car. His aviator sunglasses sat on his high cheekbones perfectly, his hair was short and styled, his lips were thin and supple. He shut the door and locked his car. He walked with such strength and yet with with grace. Lisa knew his features all too well. She felt a rage built inside of her. She recognised him. Hugo.
"So???? Who is he?" asked Jo. She looked at her friend, tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled while she hugged her books tightly towards her chest. "Don't just leave me in the dark, tell me already!!!" Once again, she took a look at Jo and glanced to her left. There he was. Wearing a red shirt, Levi's hanging loosely on his hips, one hand in his pocket, another holding onto the strap of his bag he was carrying on his shoulder. His hair looked like he had just woken up and he had his earphones on. He stopped walking and looked directly at her as if knowing she was analysing him. He shot her a smile so warm, she thought she was going to faint if she returned the smile to him. She chose to smile with her eyes instead and he just knew what she meant. He walked into the classroom, taking one quick look at her once more and he was gone as the door closed behind him. "I see now. Shaun? Not bad," Jo said as nudged her friend.
"We got talking yesterday and the conversation got kinda quiet. Then he asked me out. I didn't know what to say. Actually, I didn't even say anything after that. He just told me to join him for lunch today. He wouldn't take no for an answer," she explained to Jo. "That explains your cute top. What style are you going for? I'm-just-your-average-girl or is it I-look-good-in-this-top-and-you-know-it-so-you-better-say-I-look-good?" Jo asked as both of them started walking to their classroom. "I'm not going for any look. This was what I was going to wear today anyway," she said and paused. "Alright, maybe I am going for the I'm-just-your-average-girl-but-I-think-I-can-totally-kick-ass-this-outfit, happy?" she continued as she grinned at Jo. "Thank god, after six years of hanging out with me, you showed that at least you learnt something," Jo said with relief. They pushed the classroom door together and walked in with Jo going in first. "Hey, Lisa!" someone called out.
She looked up and saw Chase. His hair was styled up, all spiky and his black hair brought out his big, brown, eyes. His pierced ear had a diamond stud the size of a diameter of a pencil. In fact, he actually was kind of cute. Lisa walked over to him and put her books down on the desk next to him. "Someone's attracted to me. You know it, I know it, and we know it's Y-to-the-O-to-the-U. Which explains why you're sitting next to me, again," said Chase with confidence. Raising her eyebrow, she grinned and said, "You were the one waving your hands like a mad person and pointing at this seat. Besides that, you just need me to tutor you on Maths again right?". He smiled showing his straight pearly whites as he pushed the Math book towards her. "See? I knew it," said Lisa.
Leo says:
Hey you.
Lee-Sa!! says:
Hey!!! How r you over there?
Leo says:
If you consider having to constantly to call random ppl frm the phonebk, and then get yelled by them, fine, then I guess I'm good here.
Lee-Sa!! says:
That bad huh? At least you'll be quitting your job soon right? I mean, how long have you been working? Since the holidays started?
Leo says:
Yup! In 2 days, I'll b back in town. So, how's college?
Lee-Sa!! says:
FANtastic! Some really cute guy just asked me out n I'm totally psyched abt it!
Leo says:
Oh. Good 4 you Lisa. =)
Lee-Sa!! says:
I know!! Leo, you gotta come back soon. I really miss those outings we usually have during the weekends. Text me or IM me k?
Lee-Sa!! says:
Leo says:
Yeah, I'm here.
Lee-Sa!! says:
Text me or IM me alright? I have to go now. Date!!! AHHH!!
Leo says:
Alright. See you.
Lee-Sa!! says:
Lee-Sa!! may not respond because his or her status is Offline.
Hope the date sucks.
Lisa logged off and clicked the Shut Down button. She packed up her stuff and walked out from the library. Where was he going to take her, she thought. She climbed up the stairs slowly as her kitten heels clacked on the marble floors. She saw him talking to his friends. He looked like he was having a casual conversation when he stopped and looked at her. Once again, she thought she was going to melt. She walked over and said hi to his friends. "Enough chatting. We have to go for lunch now. If we waste any more time talking, my minutes will keep on reducing cause they were supposed to be for this young lady here," said Shaun with a little smile as he put his hand on her shoulder. She was half a head shorter than him. Good to know that she can add more inches on her heels whenever they go out some other time. If there was going to be some other time. They excused themselves and walked out from the campus. They talked about their classes, who did what and complained about the lecturer they both have. Shaun lead her into a small restaurant. It was small and cosy and perfect for lunch.
"You're ordering mac and cheese? You do know that it's filled with cheese and loads of carbs right?" asked Shaun. "I know that. I like cheese. That's why I'm ordering it," she replied with surprise. She looked at him, he looked well, shocked.
"What's wrong?"
"Common, you can't fool me."
"Ok. You're probably the first girl I've seen ordering Mac and Cheese."
"Cause, the other girls I've seen either have Caesar Salad or just a cup of smoothie. Fruit smoothie. Usually strawberry."
"Ahh. I'm not one of them. I like to eat. Carbs or whatever."
"You know, I like a girl with an appetite."
"Oh really?"
"Then I should order more then!"
"No, you're going to burn a hole in my wallet. I brought only like 50 cause I thought you were going to have salad or something. Guess I was wrong about that."
Lisa thought he was sweet, smart, funny and cheeky. He was good-looking, friendly around people, it was almost hard to believe that he's sitting in front of her. She never had someone like him ask her out before. Both of them ate and talked and laughed. They would have continued the conversation if it wasn't for the "The Way I Are" ringtone coming from his pocket. "Lisa, I have to take this. I'll be right back," he said as he stood up from his place and walked out from the restaurant. Lisa looked out of the window and all sorts of thoughts came into mind. She couldn't wait to tell Jo how the date went and that he wanted to go out with her again some other time. She looked outside and noticed how blue the sky was and how green the plants looked today. Then something caught her eye. A black BMW. All her thoughts of Shaun faded away into the dark. A guy with a white polo with faded dark blue jeans stepped out from the car. His aviator sunglasses sat on his high cheekbones perfectly, his hair was short and styled, his lips were thin and supple. He shut the door and locked his car. He walked with such strength and yet with with grace. Lisa knew his features all too well. She felt a rage built inside of her. She recognised him. Hugo.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Cause I'm still thinking of what to blog about
Real Name: Alanna Ong Min Quen
Nickname: Nana, Banana, Lanna, Arana-ah!
Married: Nope. =D
Male/Female: Dudette
High school: Wesley Methodist School, Sentul
College: Taylor's College, Sri Hartamas
Are You A Healthy Freak?: Not really. But when I'm sick... nah, still not really.
Do You Have A Crush On Someone?: Maybe. I'm confused myself.
Do You Like Yourself: Love, not like.
Surgery: Never had any. Don't even want one.
Person You See In The Morning: Maid.
Award: First prize in a Colouring Contest for Lego? I won a bike. Made out of lego. Which is the size of a shoe box.
Sport You Join: Badminton
Vacation: Bali. Or was it Thailand. Or was it NZ when my mommy was pregnant? Hur...
Concert: Gareth Gates. Don't give me the "WHAT" look.
Drink : My mother was lactating. Go figure.
I'm About To: Do homework.
Your future..
Want Kids: Definitely. A boy and a girl.
Want To Get Married: Of course!!!!!
Careers In Mind: Psychologist? Accountant. Something to do with Economics... Hmmmm...
Which is better?
Lips Or Eyes?: Lips.
Hugs Or Kisses?: Hugs.
Shorter Or Taller?: Taller.
Romantic Or Spontaneous?: Spontaneous. =D
Sensitive Or Loud?: Sensitive.
Troublemaker Or Hesitant?: Troublemaker =P
Have you ever..
Kissed A Stranger?: yes.
Drank Bubbles: I just tasted my shampoo. What was I thinking about?
Lost Glasses / Contacts: Nope.
Ran Away From Home: Tried?
Liked Someone Younger: Yes I have.
Broke someone's heart: Not proud of it but yeah.
Been arrested: HOMG! NO!
Cried when someone died: Yeah.
Do you believe in..
Yourself: Most of the time. But for now, I'm at my downpoint in life.
Miracles: Yeah, I do.
Magic: Yes.
Angels: Uh huh.
Answer truthfully..
Is There Someone You Want To Be With Right Now?: Yeah.
Tag 5 ppl:
Matthew (since you have nothing to do now =P)
Jie Cong
Nickname: Nana, Banana, Lanna, Arana-ah!
Married: Nope. =D
Male/Female: Dudette
High school: Wesley Methodist School, Sentul
College: Taylor's College, Sri Hartamas
Are You A Healthy Freak?: Not really. But when I'm sick... nah, still not really.
Do You Have A Crush On Someone?: Maybe. I'm confused myself.
Do You Like Yourself: Love, not like.
Surgery: Never had any. Don't even want one.
Person You See In The Morning: Maid.
Award: First prize in a Colouring Contest for Lego? I won a bike. Made out of lego. Which is the size of a shoe box.
Sport You Join: Badminton
Vacation: Bali. Or was it Thailand. Or was it NZ when my mommy was pregnant? Hur...
Concert: Gareth Gates. Don't give me the "WHAT" look.
Drink : My mother was lactating. Go figure.
I'm About To: Do homework.
Your future..
Want Kids: Definitely. A boy and a girl.
Want To Get Married: Of course!!!!!
Careers In Mind: Psychologist? Accountant. Something to do with Economics... Hmmmm...
Which is better?
Lips Or Eyes?: Lips.
Hugs Or Kisses?: Hugs.
Shorter Or Taller?: Taller.
Romantic Or Spontaneous?: Spontaneous. =D
Sensitive Or Loud?: Sensitive.
Troublemaker Or Hesitant?: Troublemaker =P
Have you ever..
Kissed A Stranger?: yes.
Drank Bubbles: I just tasted my shampoo. What was I thinking about?
Lost Glasses / Contacts: Nope.
Ran Away From Home: Tried?
Liked Someone Younger: Yes I have.
Broke someone's heart: Not proud of it but yeah.
Been arrested: HOMG! NO!
Cried when someone died: Yeah.
Do you believe in..
Yourself: Most of the time. But for now, I'm at my downpoint in life.
Miracles: Yeah, I do.
Magic: Yes.
Angels: Uh huh.
Answer truthfully..
Is There Someone You Want To Be With Right Now?: Yeah.
Tag 5 ppl:
Matthew (since you have nothing to do now =P)
Jie Cong
Monday, February 9, 2009
Twenty 5
Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you
At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
You have to tag the person who tagged you
1. I have a tendency of counting the street lamps when I sit in the car.
2. Call me a bimbo or whatever, but I like looking at my nails.
3. I tend to be a control freak. At times. When needed to. Only the things that are important to me. Everything is important to me.
4. I can't debate for nuts. In my head, I can imagine myself speaking really well, but the moment I stand up, hold my piece of paper, I blank out. I start saying "uhm" and keep pushing my hair to the back of my ears. ALOT.
5. In my closet, 70% of my tops are white in colour. I'm doing my best to buy more colours, but I can't help it that I'm just attracted to the colour white!
6. I don't fancy chocolate. But when it comes to Godiva, I'm in.
7. I think that the cameras they have at the government office that take your pictures for your IC and passport are made to make you look ugly.
8. All the paper-cutting I've done, I wanna take it up to the next level. I don't know how, or when a brand new idea is going to come up, but I will certainly do my best at it.
9. My dream car is a metallic, cherry red mini cooper. I'm going to get it. With my own money. Watch me.
10. Everytime I make cards for my friends, I always show them to my dad, hoping for a sense of praise or encouragement, I get criticism instead. My dad thinks making cards for my close friends are a waste of time, no matter how nice it is.
11. For some reason, I started liking cats. Weird but yeah. The ones in the pet shop are really cute. Pikky, you know what I mean. Especially "that one".
12. I plan to travel around the world, moving from place to place. Go to Aussie, to further my studies. Work there for a while. Then move to some place else and get a job then I move and move and move. Experience new things you know? When I'm old and tired, I'll probably settle down in the country I love most.
13. In 10 years, I see myself getting married to a wonderful husband. Having a job which I love and which pays good. Then maybe I'll decide to settle down in a country I love and have kids. A boy and a girl.
14. I actually miss high school. I mean the friends. Scratch that. I miss my high school friends.
15. I am never going to eat Nato (fermented bean curd) ever again. Say what you want, it's nutritious, good for your health, yada yada yada. I'm not even going to take a sniff of it.
16. In my opinion, watching One Tree Hill can be very depressing. I love it but sometimes, watching it, it makes you think about your life and you get depressed and you get all emofied. It sucks.
17. I love Brooke. I think Lucas and Peyton are meant to be. Nathan and Haley are the best couple ever with the cutest son. HOMG!!! Too much OTH.
18. Looking at the stars at night when I go back to Johor is beautiful. You lying down on cardboard and newspapers. You don't care if your butt gets wet or if insects crawl next to you. We do care when we hear snakes. You talk with your cousins and just look at the stars while you try to find the constellations you learnt in primary school.
19. I would love to climb Mt. Kinabalu one day. Maybe during one of my college breaks. Go with my cousins. It's our turn his time around. All our elder cousins have gone through it. It's like a family thing.
20. My phone is dying. I need a new phone. Iphone perhaps? Hmm....
21. I like the colour red. My bed-sheets and pillow cases are red. So red, my aunts think someone's getting married.
22. I think I look better in highlights than normal plain brown-ish black hair.
23. Cartoon frogs are so much cuter than the real ones..
24. I have haemophobia. After dengue, I cannot STAND the sight of it. Literally. My knees go weak and I start hyperventilating.
25. I can live without electronics (believe it or not, I can live without internet and my phone and the tv) but I can't live without my friends and family, always there, supporting me with every decision or choice I make. I love them all.
At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
You have to tag the person who tagged you
1. I have a tendency of counting the street lamps when I sit in the car.
2. Call me a bimbo or whatever, but I like looking at my nails.
3. I tend to be a control freak. At times. When needed to. Only the things that are important to me. Everything is important to me.
4. I can't debate for nuts. In my head, I can imagine myself speaking really well, but the moment I stand up, hold my piece of paper, I blank out. I start saying "uhm" and keep pushing my hair to the back of my ears. ALOT.
5. In my closet, 70% of my tops are white in colour. I'm doing my best to buy more colours, but I can't help it that I'm just attracted to the colour white!
6. I don't fancy chocolate. But when it comes to Godiva, I'm in.
7. I think that the cameras they have at the government office that take your pictures for your IC and passport are made to make you look ugly.
8. All the paper-cutting I've done, I wanna take it up to the next level. I don't know how, or when a brand new idea is going to come up, but I will certainly do my best at it.
9. My dream car is a metallic, cherry red mini cooper. I'm going to get it. With my own money. Watch me.
10. Everytime I make cards for my friends, I always show them to my dad, hoping for a sense of praise or encouragement, I get criticism instead. My dad thinks making cards for my close friends are a waste of time, no matter how nice it is.
11. For some reason, I started liking cats. Weird but yeah. The ones in the pet shop are really cute. Pikky, you know what I mean. Especially "that one".
12. I plan to travel around the world, moving from place to place. Go to Aussie, to further my studies. Work there for a while. Then move to some place else and get a job then I move and move and move. Experience new things you know? When I'm old and tired, I'll probably settle down in the country I love most.
13. In 10 years, I see myself getting married to a wonderful husband. Having a job which I love and which pays good. Then maybe I'll decide to settle down in a country I love and have kids. A boy and a girl.
14. I actually miss high school. I mean the friends. Scratch that. I miss my high school friends.
15. I am never going to eat Nato (fermented bean curd) ever again. Say what you want, it's nutritious, good for your health, yada yada yada. I'm not even going to take a sniff of it.
16. In my opinion, watching One Tree Hill can be very depressing. I love it but sometimes, watching it, it makes you think about your life and you get depressed and you get all emofied. It sucks.
17. I love Brooke. I think Lucas and Peyton are meant to be. Nathan and Haley are the best couple ever with the cutest son. HOMG!!! Too much OTH.
18. Looking at the stars at night when I go back to Johor is beautiful. You lying down on cardboard and newspapers. You don't care if your butt gets wet or if insects crawl next to you. We do care when we hear snakes. You talk with your cousins and just look at the stars while you try to find the constellations you learnt in primary school.
19. I would love to climb Mt. Kinabalu one day. Maybe during one of my college breaks. Go with my cousins. It's our turn his time around. All our elder cousins have gone through it. It's like a family thing.
20. My phone is dying. I need a new phone. Iphone perhaps? Hmm....
21. I like the colour red. My bed-sheets and pillow cases are red. So red, my aunts think someone's getting married.
22. I think I look better in highlights than normal plain brown-ish black hair.
23. Cartoon frogs are so much cuter than the real ones..
24. I have haemophobia. After dengue, I cannot STAND the sight of it. Literally. My knees go weak and I start hyperventilating.
25. I can live without electronics (believe it or not, I can live without internet and my phone and the tv) but I can't live without my friends and family, always there, supporting me with every decision or choice I make. I love them all.
Monday, February 2, 2009
It's Not All About Ang Pows and Oranges
I don't know about you but my CNY vacation was a BLAST! I had loads of fun despite the thought of 3 assignments on the to-do-list at the back of my mind kept calling to me. With my cousin coming back from Australia, I guess she and her mom made all the chinese new year fun come back, fun like when we were kids, you know. We, teenagers at this age, are always complaining about how CNY is getting more and more boring every year. We reminisce about the times when we were kids, we used to had loads of fun during chinese new year and when even a few ang pows would already satisfy us. Now, I don't think we really know how to appreciate the little things that used to make us so happy. Anyway, no more emo emo talk, its time I tell you how I spent my CNY.

With so many people around, you wonder where all of us stayed. It was just one roof for all 28 of us.
We did alot of things. We're talking about more than 10 cousins here!!

Playing ball. It was just passing it around but it was fun.

Coconuts. We had 80 of it, and we finished half of it within 4 hours? I know, fast.
We even saw an eclipse! Seriously!

We had to use the reflection of the water to see it cause if anyone(who would be so dumb?) were to look at the sun with their naked eye, they will go blind!!!

That's the house. Everyone there is crowding around to take alook at the eclipse.

some using transparent trays to look at the eclipse.
I couldn't take a picture of the eclipse, my eyes could barely take the rays.
During the night, we had fireworks. Not our own, but the neighbours! Free show!!!

It was raining, we just took newspapers!!! It was just a little more kampung style, you get what i mean? haha

And what's CNY without some lion dance!!

It's about the enter.

It entered.

*dong dong chiang! dong dong chiang! dong chiang dong chiang!*

TADA!!!! what's that word? "heng" is it? lucky right??

It smiled! ah hah, not, im being lame.
We even went out the the er, seaside? Actually, it was more of eating rojak and ABC. At Tanjung.

getting there!!!!

with Linus!!!! Dear cousin, with the australian accent!

the view?
On tuesday, we celebrated my grandmother's 80th birthday!!!!

We went to the seaside! Again! A different one. In parit jawa.

There are more pictures actually.. of gambling and all.. But i'm much too lazy after putting up so many pictures! But, with all those picture, I guess you can tell my CNY rocked! I guess the reason why everyone had so much fun this year is because everybody was back in a small lil town called parit jawa. If you ever go there, you gotta try the otak-otak and the asam fish! I have to do my assignments now!
Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana
With so many people around, you wonder where all of us stayed. It was just one roof for all 28 of us.
We did alot of things. We're talking about more than 10 cousins here!!
Playing ball. It was just passing it around but it was fun.
Coconuts. We had 80 of it, and we finished half of it within 4 hours? I know, fast.
We even saw an eclipse! Seriously!
We had to use the reflection of the water to see it cause if anyone(who would be so dumb?) were to look at the sun with their naked eye, they will go blind!!!
That's the house. Everyone there is crowding around to take alook at the eclipse.
some using transparent trays to look at the eclipse.
I couldn't take a picture of the eclipse, my eyes could barely take the rays.
During the night, we had fireworks. Not our own, but the neighbours! Free show!!!
It was raining, we just took newspapers!!! It was just a little more kampung style, you get what i mean? haha
And what's CNY without some lion dance!!
It's about the enter.
It entered.
*dong dong chiang! dong dong chiang! dong chiang dong chiang!*
TADA!!!! what's that word? "heng" is it? lucky right??
It smiled! ah hah, not, im being lame.
We even went out the the er, seaside? Actually, it was more of eating rojak and ABC. At Tanjung.
getting there!!!!
with Linus!!!! Dear cousin, with the australian accent!
the view?
On tuesday, we celebrated my grandmother's 80th birthday!!!!
We went to the seaside! Again! A different one. In parit jawa.
There are more pictures actually.. of gambling and all.. But i'm much too lazy after putting up so many pictures! But, with all those picture, I guess you can tell my CNY rocked! I guess the reason why everyone had so much fun this year is because everybody was back in a small lil town called parit jawa. If you ever go there, you gotta try the otak-otak and the asam fish! I have to do my assignments now!
Toodles with love,
Alanna the Banana
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